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Present Terms of Surrender Demand in re the Incremental Imposition of the Jewish Supremacist Genocide via Democide, Depopulationist Agenda Over the Past 100 years to: 1. Lucifer, 2. Lucifer's Deputy Devils, 3. the Rothschilds, 4. The Component of the Committee of 300 Which is Other than Rothschild, 5. the Assassins of the Kidon, 6. the Sayanim, 7. the 500 Most Culpable Criminals Other Than Those Already Identified Herein Supra, and 8. After that, the Next 500 Most Culpable Criminals who Would not, at a Given Definite Juncture, have Effaced Any Criminality Responsibility Via the Provision of Consideration Which Could, in Any Given Instance ("IAGI"), Demonstrably Not have Been Procured Independent of Any Given "This Classification Criminal" in the Administration of Adequate Punishment to, Divestment of the Product of Unjust Enrichment-Emanating Windfalls from , and Replacement of Predatory Arrangements with Legitimate Protection Providing One's in re to, IAGI, Those Identified in Classifications Enumerated Prior to This Classification in this Document, Still Living at Such Juncture, Subject to Jurisdiction in the Adjudicative Tribunals of the Former u.s. of A., now Defacto u.s. of Kol Nidre Dom, Issued Tentatively, Conditionally and Subject to Supersession by ISMA Br. #4, AAA R.J. More on 080118, Any Supersession of Which Would be Subject to an Arrangement in which ISMA and/or RJM, Respectively, Relative to any Given Arrangement Ever Coming into Existence, would concede liability for the Foreseeable Consequences of Any Such Type Supersession in Terms of the Burden of the Adequate Accommodation of any Reliance Ever Demonstrably Rationally Predicated Upon Conveyances Conveyed Prior to Any Such Type Supersession Having Been Posited in re Whereto, in the Sense that the Eternal Opportunity Cost of the Inducement of a Change in Position/Modification of Formula/Rules of Engagement/Modus Operandi from any "Prior to Superseding Document Promulgation Position" as Distinguished from Any "Subsequent to Any Given Superseding Document Promulgation Position", In Any Given Instance, in Cases of those of an ISMA CCSCL #11 or Higher and Possibly of Any SCL #8 or Higher Could Presumptively Not be Left Uncovered Without the Incurrment of Culpability for Sin in any Such Type "Other Than Adequate Evident Coverage Whereof" Which Might Ever End Up in Existence, Only Promulgated Because No Evidently Superior Demand of this Type has Yet Been Encountered and Promulgated According to a Commitment to Replace Such Demand with Any Demonstrably, Evidently, Superior Demand that Next in Succession, Superseding Component of this Document, which is Presently Under Construction, Having Been Completed and Promulgated
URL Links at Which Complaints Received by the ISMA Against the ISMA and/or Any of Its Members Can Be Accessed - Present Right at the Top of the Homepage of this Website Because Transparency, Including Complete Access to Priorities and ROA's in Regard to the Most Important ISMA Projects, for Those of High Enough Security Clearance in the Enslavement and Extermination Apparatus Presently in Place in Amerikhazaria, Via the Eighth Commandment is the Hinge via Which the Door to a New Chapter in History, Free from the Double Standards, One-Way Streets, Sacred Cows, and the Placid Surface over the School of Crocodiles Signature Features of this All-but-completely Grace Abandoned Apostate and Anti-nomian Period of History Can be Opened
Joe Banister's Example of Pursuing the truth About the Income Tax Fraud Regardless of the Consequences of such Pursuit
Emergency Assistance Hotline - Given the reality that for the poorest whatever 90 plus % of the population in "Kol Nidre Dom" aka "Amerikhazaria" aka "The Flagship Colony of the Global Plantation", Except in Counties in Which there is a Constitutionally Concerned (Even if not minimally enough for the possession of the grace of justification - as no explanation(s) demonstrating that the permitting of legal abortions, the adoption of children by individuals not committed to adequate compliance with at the very least, the requirements of the Sixth Commandment, FRN use, rather than a Constitutionally permissible currency, any any other-than-anathematizion and disclaiming of any subordination to NDAA Section 1021, etc. etc. could possibly be justified in any county have yet ended up in the purview of the author of this document) Sheriff, or in cases in which some other than Neo-nazi patrol officer would spontaneously respond to the encountering of a crime in progress, protection of the law is a legal fiction, an alternative of the type used in Medieval England is required for the protection that the law is supposed to provide and to that end the numbers 708 317-8812 and 863 688-9880 can be called 24/7 in cases of a crime in progress involving more than $500.00 and/or violence to a person's body, and especially regarding crimes perpetrated via the color of law by nominal government Neo-Nazis. Any assistance provided in re these type emergency situations remains unindemnified unless and until a sponsor can be found to indemnify such type assistance-provision. Persons who might possibly be interested in conducting activity in the role of a Volunteer Service Provider for this public service function are invited to contact the ISMA. The prioritization of the provision of assistance in re this operation is determined according to the ISMA CCSCL profile of any assistance seeker in this regard in all matters not involving nominal government criminality and violence which would be potentially lethal in any given instance. In situations which would involve potentially lethal activity, the equivalent of the provision of whatever assistance the children of the WACO massacre needed to procure deliverance from such atrocity was morally obligatory for those cognizant of what was actually transpiring in such situation and the rescue of the children involved was of pre-eminent importance regardless of the moral offensiveness of any records of activity of any and all adults responsible for any sins committed in the WACO arrangement then in place. An arrangement in which any (collection) of Other Than, Other Than, Neo-nazis would be requiring someone to depart a given adjudicative tribunal or as is usually the case in this period, sham adjudicative tribunal, unjustifiably, given the consequences of having a facially valid order entered against (a) legitimate claim at this juncture in the regression from the long-since passed, worse than Ante-deluvian, towards worse than being in Abel's position when Cain attacked him, arrangement, constitutes an emergency for this project.
NOTICE: This Website is, First and Foremost a Defacto (to the Extent of the Webmaster's Present Composite of Knowledge) Roman Catholic, and, Secondarily, Contra-depopulationist Website, Whose Function is the Implementation of the Jn.21-15/Matt. 28:20 Consent-based Mandate - Which is Constituted of the Dessimination of Catholic Doctrine and All Things Necessary and Appropriate Whereto - just in case such Reality Might Not have been Gleaned from Anything Considered Herein Already. Anyone not interested in such Phenomena, probably would not find the contents Herein of interest, Notwithstanding the Peril in which All Souls are Presently Found to Be - Other than those LEO's directed to investigate the matters concerned on behalf of the De-populationist Agenda, but if such type interest would come into existence in the future, the welcome included herein would always remain extended as "Non-unhospitality" sculpted and formulated for the Presently Prevailing, Other than Irresistably Attractive, to Understate the Case (Matt. 24:22) and Just Plain, Afflicting and Distressing, Arrangements, Will Ever Remain a Requirement for the Possession of the Grace of Justification Until Christ Returns (Apoc. 7:1)
Indemnification Protocols and/or for Activity of Various ISMA Members - From the First Verse of the First Chapter of the Gospel of St. John Thru the Entirety of the New Testament Letters, it is Unmistakeably Obvious that the Recognition and/or Non-recognition of Christ's Divinity, the Exalted Special Role of Mary in the Divine Macro-Plan and the Appropriate Hierarchy of Priorities Constituting the Sensus Fidei of Such Period all Correlate to the Comparative Purity (All after Adam's sin other than Mary have been afflicted by the inheritance of the consequences of the Fall and none except Mary, via a special grace, has ever succeeded in avoiding the incurrment of culpability for semi-deliberate venial sins (Decrees of the Council of Trent, Original Sin) as the first movements of the fallen human free will are processed via appetitive faculties which remain throughout one's entire earthly tour of duty, viciously inclined and it is simply not possible to completely eliminate the susceptibility to temptations by which all are tried in the earthly war theatre (Acts 14:21)) of Conduct, Priorities and Pursuits of Those Ever Mentioned in the Inscriptions Ever Concerned, Respectively. In Consideration of this Fact ISMA Members are Required to at Least Constructively, Match Zaccheus'es (the Tax Collector who Climbed the Tree to Encounter Jesus) Legitimate Reliance Interest Accommodation Performance - Given that a Literal Replication of Such Performance Which Would not be Possible for Someone Not in His State of Life
Some Sample Positive References for Various ISMA Members
Invitation To Any Alleged Presumptively Grave Sin, Crime, Contract Breach, and/or Tort ("P...T")Perpetrator(s) to Either 1. Demonstrate Moral Innocence and in the Cases of Negligence Only, Non-incurrment of Responsibility for Any Injury Unintendedly Caused, or Else, 2. in Any Affirmative Act(s) and/or Collection Whereof which would ever have been Instituted Against any P...T Perpetrator(s) for the Professed Purpose of the Adequate Pre-Apoc. 7:1 Rectification of any P...T's This Conveyance would Ever Concern, Demonstrate Some Deprivation of Any Reliance Interest Whose Legitimacy Could Demonstrably Not Rationally be Disputed, in Any Affirmative Act(s) and/or Collection Whereof which would ever have been Instituted Against any P...T Perpetrator(s) for the Professed Purpose of the Adequate Pre-Apoc. 7:1 Rectification of any P...T's This Conveyance would Ever Concern, and if Neither #1 nor #2 would be Provided, IAGI, to Either Provide 1. a "Nihil Obstat from Alleged Presumptively Grave Sin, Crime, Contract Breach, and/or Tort ("P...T")Perpetrator(s) Indicating Abscence of Any Deprivation of Any Reliance Interest Whose Legitimacy Could Demonstrably Not Rationally be Disputed, in Any Affirmative Act(s) and/or Collection Whereof which would ever have been Instituted Against any P...T Perpetrator(s) for the Professed Purpose of the Adequate Pre-Apoc. 7:1 Rectification of any P...T's Whereof" or if None were to be Provided, IAGI, 2. to Provide an Explanation Demonstrating that the Non-provision of Such, IAGI, could be morally justified
Consequences of Any Given P...T Perpetrator's Non-Provision of At Least One of the Forms of Consideration Included in Entry #...- Incurrment of Moral, and Possibly Criminal and Tort Liability for the Proximate Causing of Property Damage and/or Serious Bodily Injury, Disability and/or Death of Anyone Ever Incurring Such, IAGI, for the Leaving Unused the Means Via Which Protection from Such Types of Detriment Could have been Provided, IAGI, which of Course Includes any Injury Incurred by Individuals not Parties to a Given Dispute who Might Ever End Up Involved in the Resolution Whereof, IAGI
Templates for Vindication of Criminal Liability and/or COA's in re Entry # ... for the Victims, Directly or Indirectly of the Non-Utilization of the Protection From Detriment Formula Contained Wherein, By Anyone, Who IAGI, Could Not Demonstrate that Any Injury Resulting from the Non-utilization Whereof Could be Attributed Solely to Causes Exclusive of Activity Conducted by Him or Her and/or the Non-utilization of Alternatives which would have been Available to Provide Protection from Any Type of Detriment Ever Ending up having been Incurred, IAGI
To DONATE to the ISMA, and/or remit legal claim resolutions, pay debts or otherwise transmit the presently operative medium of exchange, morally and constitutionally defective and in need of replacement as FRN's indisputably are, given the abscence of any protection of the purchasing power whereof, to Robert J. More, John Bertucci or Robert J. More or John Bertucci on behalf of any designee, click button below. Sums owed in justice must include the 2.9% paypal fee above any amount ever owed in justice.hh:
Disclaimer Clarifications
The ISMA {{The Institute of St. Michael, the Archangel}} is adamantly opposed to the continued existence and operation of the nominal University of Notra Dame, and in fact is engaged in projects, the successful consummation of which would result in the termination of such Ephesians 5:8 work of darkness /and/ John 8:44 murderous-hearted abomination unto the Lord. The Members of the ISMA Executive Committee and other Members of the ISMA are also most concerned that, inter alia, organized athletics are accorded much more importance than can legitimately be accorded whereto and that the burden of the distraining and distressing of Magna Carta Clause 61 has been a casualty whereof to the ultimate detriment of the Catholic Cause. ~~ Sincerely, Robert J. More, Editor-in-Chief
Meet the ISMA Sergeant at Arms - Pro Tem, Robert Crable, (see picture herein supra), (see bio here). ? - How many Other Than, Other Than - Neo-Nazi, Tel Aviv Toilet Rim - Licking, Shabbes Goy, Nominal Government, Slavemaster Class "Just Executing Orders (of the Plantation Owners and Beneath Them the Higher Tier Slavemasters)" "Just Doing My Job", Throwing the Weight of Usually Enormous Numerical and Conventional Military Capacity Disparities Between These Type Reptiles (Profiles from the infamous molds of Dr. Mengele to the Sychophant Whistle in the Convent Cemetery - Blowing Rolf in The Sound of Music and Every Miscreant Type In Between) and their Targets, In Any Given Instance and Often Infected with "Insolent Badgitis", Jackbooted Thugs, of the Type for Example that were Responsible for the Tortures and Murders of Gordon Kahl, Terrence Yeakey (according to the sources RJM understands to be most credible regarding the matters concerned, respectively) and Teresa Schiavo (to name just a few of the plethora of single target murder victims of the Talmudic-Barbarics, over the past 40 years) would be willing to Impose the Agenda Imposed in such Particular and Particulary Atrocious, Atrocities, Upon You and/or Your Dependents, if there were the Type of Lionhearted Rhinocerouses the Picture Above Represents, Between Them and You (All)? What more, than what the ISMA is Presently Doing, can It (We) contribute to Putting King St. Louis IX - Like Rhinocerouses Between Lucifer's Minions and the Possessions (1 Cor. 6:9) of His Omnipotence, Christus Rex, Defined in the Alternative as "Everything Whose Existence and Activity The Author of the Summa Contract can Justify not Regretting Having Permitted (Gen. 6:6), Especially Those Most Vulnerable One's Incapable of Protecting Themselves (Jn. 21-15)? Could the importance to the Catholic Cause of the Apostolate of Predator Incapacitation Even Possibly be Exaggerated?
Disclaimer - Construction in Progress. This website remains under construction as do many of the documents posted herein, which website and documents have been posted "as is, subject to supersession via a process requiring adequate accommodation of any and all reliance interests predicated upon a rational predication whereof, in any given instance, prior to and/or subsequent to the supersession of the homepage of this website and/or any given document posted wherein, in any given and every instance in which any such type inducement of reliance would have resulted in some demonstrable, substantial, evident, eternal opportunity cost". Capitalization and/or the Non-utilization whereof, IAGI, in this webpage is problematic, as wordpad provides no such function and there is not any distinction in notepad++'es capitalization function between standard text and html URL's. Any suggestions regarding a resolution of this problem would be welcome. Posting what has been posted in the form posted, IAGI, has been considered necessitated by the vexatious problem of the existence of LEO's owned and operated by Jewish Supremacism, as when under attack, no rational protective protocols would permit the perfecting of details of a given rampart fortification at the expense of the positing and keeping of some type of fortification between the enemy, IAGI, and the citadel ever in issue, rather than risking not having anything where there could have been something, such that any abscence of what could have been present would be attributable to the prioritization of completing some "perfect fortification" (see "the Maginot Line connumdrum" elsewhere in this site), which perfect anything, of course, will never exist in this fallen world.
- Emergency Assistance Hotline- Given the reality that for the poorest whatever 90 % of the population in "Kol Nidre Dom" aka "Amerikhazaria" aka "The Flagship Colony of the Global Plantation", Except in Counties in Which there is a Constitutionally Concerned (Even if not minimally enough for the possession of the grace of justification - as no explanations that could possibly justify the permitting of legal abortions, Illegal FRN use, not anathematizing and disclaiming any subordination to NDAA Section 1021, etc. etc. in any county have yet ended up in the purview of the author of this document) Sheriff, or in cases in which some other than Neo-nazi patrol officer would spontaneously respond to the encountering of a crime in progress, protection of the law is a legal fiction, an alternative of the type used in Medieval England is required for the protection that the law is supposed to provide and to that end the numbers 708 317-8812 and 863 688-9880 can be called 24/7 in cases of a crime in progress involving more than $500.00 and/or violence to a person's body, and especially regarding crimes perpetrated via the color of law by nominal government Neo-Nazis. Any assistance provided in re these type emergency situations remains unindemnified unless and until a sponsor can be found to indemnify such type assistance provision. Persons interested in conducting activiity as Volunteer Service Providers for this public service function are invited to contact the ISMA. The prioritization of the provision of assistance in re this matter is determined according to the ISMA CCSCL profile of any assistance seeker in this regard in all matters not involving nominal government criminality and violence which would be potentially lethal in any given instancekj1. Eg. the provision of whatever assistance the children of the WACO massacre needed to procure deliverance from such atrocity was morally obligatory for those cognizant of what was actually transpiring in such situation was of pre-eminent importance regardless of the moral offensiveness of any records of activity of any and all adults responsible for any sins committed in WACO arrangement. An arrangement in which any (collection) of Other Than, Other Than, Neo-nazis are requiring you to depart a given adjudicative tribunal or as is usually the case in this period, sham adjudicative tribunal, unjustifiably, given the consequences of having a facially valid order entered against (a) legitimate claim at this juncture in the regression from the long-since passed, worse than immediately Ante-deluvian, towards worse than being in Abel's position when Cain attacked him arrangement constitutes an emergency for this project.
NOTICE: This Website is, First and Foremost a Defacto (to the Extent of the Webmaster's Present Composite of Knowledge) Roman Catholic, and, Secondarily, Contra-depopulationist Website, Whose Function is the Implementation of the Jn.21-15/Matt. 28:20 Consent-based Mandate - Which is Constituted of the Dessimination of Catholic Doctrine and All Things Necessary and Appropriate Whereto - just in case such Reality Might Not have been Gleaned from Anything Considered Herein Already. Anyone not interested in such Phenomena, probably would not find the contents Herein of interest, Notwithstanding the Peril in which All Souls are Presently Found to Be - Other than those LEO's directed to investigate the matters concerned on behalf of the De-populationist Agenda, but if such type interest would come into existence in the future, the welcome included herein would always remain extended as "Non-unhospitality" sculpted and formulated for the Presently Prevailing, Other than Irresistably Attractive, to Understate the Case (Matt. 24:22) and Just Plain, Afflicting and Distressing, Arrangements, Will Remain a Requirement for the Possession of the Grace of Justification Until Christ Returns (Apoc. 7:1)
Indemnification Protocols for Various ISMA Projects and/or for Activity of Various ISMA Members - From the First Verse of the First Chapter of the Gospels of St. John Thru the Entirety of the New Testament Letters, it is Unmistakeably Obvious that the Recognition and/or Non-recognition of Christ's Divinity, the Exalted Special Role of Mary in the Divine Plan and the Appropriate Hierarchy of Priorities Constituting the Sensus Fidei of Such Period all Correlate to the Comparative Purity (All after Adam's sin other than Mary have been afflicted by the inheritance of the consequences of the Fall and none except Mary, via a special grace, has ever succeeded in avoiding the incurrment of culpability for semi-deliberate venial sins (Decrees of the Council of Trent, Original Sin) as the first movements of the fallen human free will are processed via appetitive faculties which remain throughout one's entire earthly tour of duty, viciously inclined and it is simply not possible to completely eliminate the susceptibility to temptations by which all are tried in the earthly war theatre (Acts 14:21), and the necessity of fighting to overcome them in order to procure deliverance from all evils in eternity) Priorities and Pursuits of Those Ever Mentioned in the Inscriptions Ever Concerned, Respectively. In Consideration of this Fact ISMA Members are Required to at Least Constructively, if not Literally - Which Would not be Possible for Someone Not in His State of Life - Match Zaccheus'es (the Tax Collector who Paid Four Times Over to Cover His Mistakes, and Climbed the Tree to Encounter Jesus) Legitimate Reliance Interest Accommodation Performance
Some Sample Positive References for Various ISMA Members
In which Arrangement Were/Are the a.) Members of the General Population, b.) Luke 2:14 "Men of Good Will", c.) Children under Age 7, Less, Less Insecure (which of course, constitutes "more insecure", as insecure processed thru a multiple stage filtration), that of a.) Nazi Germany, b.) Lenin's Russia, c.) Bella Kuhn's Hungary or Contemporary Amerikhazaria?
But for the 5-10 million AR-15's, 7 trillion rounds of amunition, availability of raw materials to produce IED's, cameras on cell phones, measure of internet accessibility still available, heroic feats of the Barksdale Nine, the Spec Ops who demolished the tunnels to the underground cities in Sept. of 2013, TX Governor Gregg Abbot in Controlling Op JADE HELM, Sheriff's D. Peyman and D. Clarke Imploding the Sandy Hook Evident False Flag Aftermath Firearms Confiscation Ploy and a few other arrangements and components of activity, some of which cannot be discussed openly without risking the revelation of sources and methods of intelligence gathering, would the posting of this document even have been possible?
What Deliverance from All Evils (Matt. 6:13)Pursuers ("DFAEP") are Up Against in Such Pursuit at this Juncture - Distress References in 1.) Matthew 24:22 , 2.) Papal Address at Pentacost of 1941, "The Inversion of Means and Ends....", 3.) Credibly Verified Interlocution from the Mother of the "Un-volitional Encountering of the Burden of Conditional Salvation Imposer" (yes - that is a nominative for the "Issuer of the ultimatum regarding the Eucharist" which elicited the other than enamoration of Peter and those who opted to continue to follow Him atttributable to the abscence of any practical alternative from which ultimate deliverance from evil could and can, ever be procured - Jn. 6:59)) to St. Louis de Montfort Regarding the Difficulty which "her Children" would face at some juncture in history between the interlocution in issue and the Apoc. 7:1 Definitive and Conclusive Termination of Iniquity and How Such Involitionally Encountered Arrangement Compares to that encountered by those who involitionally encountered the Conditional Salvation Burden in a.) the Antedeluvian Period, b.) the Apostolic Period, c.) the France of King St. Louis IX, d.) the period from the beginning of Industrialization thru 10281958, in none of which periods was the abscence of instruction, delineation of the applicability of the requirements of the moral law to situations ever encountered and guidance, of the type which von Stauffenberg, for example, procured from Pope Pius XII before endeavoring to assassinate Hitler, in RJMs understanding, anywhere near what ithas been and continues to be in this period.
Invitation To Any Alleged Presumptively Grave Sin, Crime, Contract Breach, and/or Tort ("P...T")Perpetrator(s) to Either 1. Demonstrate Moral Innocence and in the Cases of Negligence Only, Non-incurrment of Responsibility for Any Injury Unintendedly Caused, or Else, 2. Demonstrate Some Deprivation of Any Reliance Interest Whose Legitimacy Could Demonstrably Not Rationally be Disputed, in Any Affirmative Act(s) and/or Collection Whereof which would ever have been Instituted Against any P...T Perpetrator(s) for the Professed Purpose of the Adequate Pre-Apoc. 7:1 Rectification of any P...T's This Conveyance would Ever Concern, and if Neither #1 nor #2 would be Provided, IAGI, to Either Provide 1. a "Nihil Obstat from Alleged Presumptively Grave Sin, Crime, Contract Breach, and/or Tort ("P...T")Perpetrator(s) Indicating Abscence of Any Deprivation of Any Reliance Interest Whose Legitimacy Could Demonstrably Not Rationally be Disputed, in Any Affirmative Act(s) and/or Collection Whereof which would ever have been Instituted Against any P...T Perpetrator(s) for the Professed Purpose of the Adequate Pre-Apoc. 7:1 Rectification of any P...T's Whereof" or if None were to be Provided, IAGI, 2. to Provide an Explanation Demonstrating that the Non-provision of Such, IAGI, could be morally justified
Consequences of Any Given P...T Perpetrator's Non-Provision of At Least One of the Forms of Consideration Included in Entry #...- Incurrment of Moral, and Possibly Criminal and Tort Liability for the Proximate Causing of Property Damage and/or Serious Bodily Injury, Disability and/or Death for Having Left Unused the Means Via Which Protection from Such Types of Detriment Could have been Provided, IAGI
Templates for Vindication of Criminal Liability and/or COA's in re Entry # ... for the Victims of the Non-Utilization of the Protection From Detriment Formula Contained Wherein, Who IAGI, Could Not Demonstrate that Any Injury Causing In Re Whereto from the Non-utilization Whereof Could have been Justified
Some Reference Documents the Consideration of Which Could Be Indispensably Necessary to Those Not ISMA CCSCL #11 or Above For Understanding the Purpose of the Website in which this Conveyance is Included and/or the Content of Other Documents Included Wherein
The Six Evils That Constitute The "ISMA Target Evils Prioritization Formulation"
The Unclassified Component Of The ISMA Conviction/Capacity/Security Clearance Levels ("CCSCL's")- Also Referenced As The Unclassified ISMA Security Clearance Levels - ISMA SCL's
The "Ranking Of ISMA Poll" Relative To The Provision Of Protection To ISMA Members And Others From The Evils Enumerated In The Jn21-15protctr.Tripod.Com/Ismatargeviprifor040918.html - ISMA Target Evils Prioritization Formulation Document
The Ranking Of Priorities And Record Of Activity Of ISMA Member and Frequent Pilot Project Designee, the Tag-Along Disciple (the minimum requirement for salvation, as distinct from an Apostle - "one who is sent", given that inter alia, there has'nt been any "Matt. 28:20 Commissioning Authority in Existence for the past 717 months), Matt. 6:13, Pursuer of Deliverance from All Evils, Aspirant for the Title of "Temporary Bridge Plank" Over this Period of Apostasy and Antinomianism in which there is so Little Adequate Example and Instruction for the Jn. 21-15 Primary Targets That the Peril to the Souls of Such Impressionable, Little, Potential, Either Bundles of Iniquity or Vessels of Election is So Comparatively Enormous, Robert J. More
Presently Operative ISMA Instrument Model for Various Arrangements Involving Unjustified Injury Causors, Adversaries, and/or Potential Adversaries, Ever Encountered
The One Type of Criminality and Violence ("C&V") To Which Humans Have Always Been Susceptible, the Four Types of C&R to Which Human Beings Have Ever Been Susceptible Since Governments Came into Existence and the Seven Types Whereof to Which Those Cursed to Have to Conduct Activity in Jewish Supremacist Controlled Arrangements, Such as That by Which the Entire World is Presently Afflicted are Subject, Discussed Briefly For the Purpose of Demonstrating, Inter Alia, How Much Less Insecure the English of 13th Century England were than Contemporary Americans are from Various Types of and from All Types of Detriment, Notwithstanding that the French of Such Period While Governed by King St. Louis IX, were Substantially Less Insecure than the English of that Same Period, Within the Phenomena of the Uneliminaility of the Guaranteeing of Eternal Salvation Which Leaves the Problem of the Possibility of the Eternal Loss of Any Given Soul For As Long as Volitionality is in the Possession of Any Given Soul
ISMA Formulated Burden of Private Citizen vis a vis Interactions with Nominal Government Entit(y)(ies)Moral Liability Coverage at this Juncture in History
Necessarily Other-than-infallible Exposition of Nature and Scope of Responsibility relative to the moral burden of protecting Record of Activity ("ROA") from incurrment of culpability for sin of either general scandal and/or scandal of the weak regarding impressions left in minds of observers of any given component of activity ever conducted by ....
Prioritized at somewhere below the highest priorities - Activity Conductor ( "AC") Responsibility for ensuring that if any observer(s) of any given component of activity conducted by this AC would ever end up having been left with an understanding that the adequate resolution of ... (identification of individual) dispute would be in any way dependent upon the adequate functioning of any (contra) adjudicative tribunal presently in existence and operative in what indisputably now constitutes the "u.s. of Tob Shebbe Goyim Harim-ica" , that any such understanding could never have ended up in existence attributable to any non, mis and/or mal feasance of this AC, but rather that the record of activity in issue would be such that the only understanding that could have legitimately emanated wherefrom would be that this AC would be committed to what could be identified to constitute IAGI, the evidently adequate bearing of whatever exactly would constitute the identifiable moral burden ever present, including recourse to use of military measures as any such use would ever be necessary IAGI in order to adequately resolve any given dispute, according to the indisputably appropriate moral theological principle that it would never be possible for any record of activity to have incurred sinful culpability for pharasaical scandal, in that the source of such type scandal inheres not in the character of the activity ever in issue, but rather in the disposition of the observer whereof, IAGI
ISMA Types of Dispute Resolution Alternatives Used At Various Places and Times, Which Are Alternatives at this Juncture to the Present Subjection of Legitimate Claims to the "Straight Out of Hell Placid Surface - Maintained, "Venomous Crocodile" Infested Swamps ("SH...CIS") Masquerading as Adjudicative Tribunals" in the What is Now One Mega, Nominal u.s. of A.SH...CIS
Character in re Rationality or Possibly Given the Limits of the Fallen Human Condition Implicitly Referenced in 1 Cor. 4:4 - Otherwise, of Record of Activity of ISMA Br. #4 AAA, R. J. More Audit of April 2018
Character in re Irrationality or Possibly Given the Limits of the Fallen Human Condition Implicitly Referenced in 1 Cor. 4:4 - Otherwise, of Records of Activity of Any and All Adversaries of ISMA Br. #4 AAA, R. J. More Audit of August of 2018 Which Category of Course, would not Include Anyone Ever in any Posture Incompatible with Any Posture in which Any ISMA Member would Ever Be Conducting Activity IAGI, Attributable to any Misunderstanding, Mistake of Fact, and/or Any Other Suchlike Entity Not Involving Any Gravely Sinfully Distorted Priorit(y)(ies)
The Hierarchy of Body Politic Organization Profiles from Least Worse to Worst
The Reverse Martial Law Related Documents
The Fourth, Fifth and Fifth 1/2 Branches of Government
The Temporary Bridge Plank Template(s) for Protection of Catholic Cause - Compatible Claims Against Malicious Alleged Time Bar to Adjudication and/or Other Method of Resolution Claims
The Defacto as Distinct from Nominal, Priorities According to Which Other-than-atypical Nominal Government Activity Has Been and Continues to Be, Conducted in "Defacto, Except in an Atypical Type of Situation,Tob Shebbe Goyim Harim-ica" <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<080518
The ISMA Doctrine and Morality Compliance Audit Template
ISMA Bids Presently Available
."Operation Require Not Just a Wire but a Body-Camera-/Audio Recorder" for Any and All Nominal Government Activity, Period Including Janitors and Landscaping Crews So that the Hillary Clinton's of the World Who Might Ever End Up in Any Government Office - Heaven Forbid, Will Never Again Be Capable of Using Such Type Activity Conductors as Any Type of Means of Perpetrating Malefactions
"Operation Indictment Procurement Via Federal Grand Jury Forum Shopping "
"Operation Treasonists Purge from Nominal Government Entities and for Other Purposes, Use of Executive Orders via the prototype of the Emancipation Proclamation et al"
"Operation Contra-Genocide via Democide Historical Examples and Protective Measures to Protect Catholic Cause - Which of Course Includes, at Least in an Attenuated Way, Everything of Any Redeeming Value - From the Replication Whereof in the u.s. of A. Explained via Chris Fogarty's Presentation in re Whereto and/or Otherwise" tentatively and conditionally scheduled to be presented, unless and until any evidently more promising alternative(s) would have been found or produced, respectively.
Enumeration of Petition Targets of such Petitions are: 1. President via E.O. and Legislators, Governors, Mayors, Sheriff's etc.....respectively, 2. President via E.O, Federal Govt Legislators, respectively, 3. Federal Grand Jury Forepersons, Chief Judges, USMS for the least harm-causing/most benefit providing Federal Jurisdiction(s) in the u.s. of A. at present, respectively, 4. President via E.O., 5. Community Superiors of Various Nominally Catholic and Other "Religious Right" Groups, respectively, 6. The Population of Americans Obliged to Function in the Role of Barons and Distrainors and Distressors Pursuant to the Contents of the "Right to Petition Clause of the First Amendment and the Second Amendment to the Contract the Constitution of the u.s. of A. Constitutes via incorporation via applicable rule of enablement of the contents of the 'Throw Off and Alter and Abolish Clauses' of the DOI via incorporation via applicable rule of enablement of the contents of Magna Charta Clause 61, Caveat and Offer of Assistance to Nominal Government Officials Regarding Moral Burden in Executing Tasks of Any Given Office,"
The Indispensable Necessity of the Independence of the Federal Grand Jury as the Fourth Branch of u.s. of A. Government Without the Presence and Activity of Which, the former u.s. of A. has become the u.s. of Kol Nidre Dom
The "Faith" of the Religion of the Second Vatican Council - the prioritization of the protection of operational capacity (aka the physical corpus(es) of the adherents) from apprehended detriment presented as faith etc. over, and to the detriment and in fact, exclusion of both the obligations of the three religious commandments and the burden of the adequate protection of inter alia, one's nation's and the world's children, posterity and the provision of protection of one's country from predators from within, without in any period, and in this period of Jewish Supremacism - the most difficult against which to protect -above - via means of protection required by the Fourth Commandment which require either collective cooperation and/or unconventional instruments and devices - in regard to which protection of operational capacity, protection from detriment to such capacity, is presented by the manipulators to be available, via a formula whose applicability is generally understood and kept undiscussed, the upshot of which is that those" ostritches" who "keep their heads in sand" and leave the "surfaces of the crocodiles hiding places in the liquid receptacles placid," and in so doing leave their own and the rest of the "flock's" (if Ostriches operate in flocks) offspring exposed and vulnerable attributable to their lack of life-experience to the stealth tactics of the crocodiles lurking below such type placid surfaces will succeed in getting to natural death w/o having the betrayal of the burden entrusted to them that this most grave matter concerns (Eph. 5:8 and Romans 12:21) ever examined on the "Capitol Steps in the Noon Day Sun" via any similitude to what was accomplished by the prophet Daniel in his rescue of Susanna- (see quotes of Popes, Heads of State, the Rothschilds themselves, various sagacious commentators identifying the phenomena in issue in this regard)
Response to the claim that there is no Jewish Supremacist Problem in the World - see CTP testimonials, J. Sobran For Fear of the Jews, J. Kaminski -
Proposed Alternative Mission Statements of Various Dioceses and Archdioceses Compatible with the Actual Missions and Functions of Such Entities: The Actual Defacto Mission of the (Arch)diocese of ... is the continued cultivation of what can indisputably, to a measure of moral certainty, be identified to constitute a "false peace", including among other Luciferian components, the adoption of the Political Left's characterization(s) of various problems and supposed "remedies" wherefore, which in fact, as has been so tragically proven over and over again, constitute de facto "contra-remedies"....
The actual presumption upon which activity has continued to be conducted - the disregard of the burden of the collective protection of the body politic and its members from criminality and violence by the component of the population burdened at present with the moral equivalent of the Distraining and Distressing burden referenced in Magna Charta Clause 61, is more conducive to the protection of the Operational Capacity priority than is the participation in the adequate bearing of the collective protection from criminality and violence participation burden
ISMA BC Br#4 John Bertucci Youtube Channel, ISMA AAA Br#4 Robert J. More - Worn Book Page Picture Youtube Channel, RJM Addresses to City of Chicago Police Board, Scripts and Presention Videos - Archive, Archive of All RJM Youtube Channel Videos
ISMA Nine stages dispute resolution formula
ISMA Operation Keep the Willis Tower Standing, Remove the placid surface or worse, yellow smiley face, to expose the Jn. 8:44 skull and cross bones Agenda Whereever Encountered,
How Different History and Conseqently the Present would be were the Reverse Martial Law formula postulated here:... in Operation in re the Assassinations of JFK, MLK, and RFK, the False Flag Terrorist Attacks of FWTC, Ok City, and 911, the Barksdale Nine, Boston Marathon Bombing, murders etc. etc. etc. and Even Long Before That in the Presidential Assassination attempt of Andrew Jackson and accomplished acts in re LIncoln, Garfield and McKinley, and later, in Russia in 1915 in re the murders of four of the seven percipient knowledge witnesses in re the Bellis Jewish Ritual Murder Trial, and the Murders of General Patton and Sec. of Defense J. Forestall (who Alone in the Truman Admin. Opposed Recognizing the State of Israel and Paid So Dear a Price For Sticking to His Commendable, at Least in This Matter, Convictions)
Homeschoolers - the Most Promising Prospects for the Future Equivalent of Magna Charta Cl. 61's Distrainors and Distressors, and from Within Such Population, Four - 25 Barons, and Within Such Population, a Series of Sovereigns Who Will Actually Adequately Bear the Most Onerous Moral Burdens of the Role of Soveriegn, the Adequate Bearing of Which is so Indispensably Important to the Protection of a Societal Order More Conducive than Detrimental to the Cause of the Salvation of Souls, Acknowledging that in Any Arrangement in Which Any Given Soul Would Ever Be Conceived, It Could Never Be Possible that Any Grace Ever Necessary for the Salvation of Any Given Particular Soul Could Ever be Left Unprovided
Operation Secure the Contra-depopulationist Murder Victim's Body and Crime Scene from Nominal Government Confiscation, Destruction and/or Alternation of Any Type,
Tim Tebow, Sherry P. Jackson and Dr. E. Vieira Ecc. 4:1 tripod for Document delivery and 18 USC 1504 Witness to FGJ in Federal Jurisdiction least hostile to the non-counterfeit Version of the Rule of Law or Any Other Tripod of Similar Profile Activity Conductors Roster
Reasons for Selection of Tim Tebow, Sherry P. Jackson and Dr. E. Vieira for the FGJ Forum Shopping Project and Invitation for Nomination of Others to Conduct Such Type Activity in These Particular Roles
Compatibility of ISMA's FGJ Forum Shopping Formula with "Vicinage Requirement" of the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution of the u.s. of A. ("Const."), the Provisions of 28 USC 1861-63, FRCrim.P. 6 and 18 to the Categorical Exclusion of Claims Requiring Restriction of FGJ to Jurisdiction in which Crime Ever in Issue, Would have been Committed, Except in Jurisidiction(s) with An Adequately Functioning - which is defined as a Federal Grand Jury Whose Activity would be Conducted at All Times as an Entity"Independent" of Any Unjustifiable Influence from Any of the Branches of Government Enumerated in Articles I , II and/or III, respectively, of the Const.
Disclaimer Schedule
The ...
Petition to Community Superior Blaise Cupich - simply transfer control of the assets (assets and liabilities) of the Archdiocese of Chicago to the ISMA, RJM, et al, BEFORE the final stage of the NWO population reduction/consumation of enslavement would be instituted
Superseding CTP with papal quotes about immense harm - and those from Disraeli, Wilson, Eishenhower, Kennedy etc. ectl
Some Examples in World History of Defacto Catholic (Demonstrably Other-than-incompatible with the Possession of the Grace of Justification) or At Least Endorsed and/or Commended by or Never Condemned in Any of the Instances Cited, by, the Apostolic See, Examples of Insurrection, Tyrannicide, and/or Other Types of Contra-Nominal Government Oppression, Despotism, Tyranny, Criminality and Violence, Vigilantism Anathematization of Categorical Pacifism as Being Incompatible with the Possession of the Grace of Justification
Some Examples in American History of Insurrection, Tyrannicide, and/or Other Types of Contra-Nominal Government Oppression, Despotism, Tyranny, Criminality and Violence Vigilantism
13 topics ISMA members are prohibited from addressing in Various Contexts
Federal Grand Juror Foreperson's and Other Grand Jurors' burden
False Dossiers - dealing with them, piercing them, causing them to backfire
ISMA reading list - doctrinal/spiritual progress/moral burden of citizenship
The Petition for Indictments of CCA 7 CJ D Wood, CCCC, IL CJ T. Evans, Martin, Donnelly, Valiente, Franco, Ueche, Madigan, Griffin, Conway, Alvarez, Groah, Driscoll, Garcia, Dart, Griffith, Dattulo, et al, conditional of Castillo, USMS, FGJF, US Attorney for ND of IL, FBI Invitations to FBI Agent McCrystal and Superiors to Demonstrate Innocence, if Such Would Ever Be Claimed in Any of Their Regards, Respectively
Questions it Might be Most Foolish to Leave Unanswered at ....kk
The ISMA Six sponsorship targets and subtargets that Correlate to the Six Evils That Constitute The "ISMA Target Evils Prioritization Formulation..."
Explanation of the Bid process Utilized in re certain claims
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<080718 0130
adjudicative hydroplaning - first 20 problems in trial court adjudications in the CCCC, IL
Remedies for first 20 problems in trial court adjudications in the CCCC, were such procurable via some means other than the completion of a successful insurrection or extraordinary Divine Intervention
Six of the Primary methods of elimination of anyone and/or thing considered to constitute competition to the NWO agenda, executable prior to any imposition of martial law and/or any macro-implosion of the entire electricity/petroleum/zoning and other property use restriction impositions grid
Petition for indictments of Wood, Evans, Martin, conditional of Castillo, USMS, FGJFP, FGJ's, US Attorney for ND of IL,FBI Invitations to FBI Agent McCrystal and Superiors to Demonstrate Innocence, if Such Would Ever Be Claimed in Any of Their Regards, Respectively
Templates for this period for co-victims of predation perpetrations of various types, in this period in which the contract's author is and has remained in breach, time deadlines invoked against the party on the bottom of any given dispute, transfer/assignment, maintenance of legitimate claims thru transfer whereof whether post or pre-mortem such that any and all resources in the possession of any given malefactor attributable to any breach and/or malefactions ever perpetrated by him or her in issue would have remained encumbered- that is "encumbrance succession" and formula via which to recover any resource(s) ending up in the possession of any successor in interest in re any given resource from him or her
Template for the expiration of time periods ever nominally established within which the completion of any given activity would have had to have been accomplished in order to protect any given claim from any invocation of any type of "Time barred Defense" - howsoever unjustifiably posited, in any given instance, against the party "on the bottom" of any given dispute. Protocol Proposed to ISMA Exec. Committee on 060818 by RJM and upon which RJM has continued to predicate reliance over the past 20 years regarding any given claim of any alleged expiration of any time period ever allegedly applicable - whether via any given nominal statute, abuse of the laches doctrine and/or whether adjudicatively or administratively established regarding the bringing of any ever "other than adequately resolved and/or punished at any given juncture dispute, criminal activity, and/or morally unacceptable arrangement" to justice - RJM remains convinced that and thus would be afraid that to concede, accede to, defer to, accomodate and/or otherwise permit any application of any allegedly expired time deadline would constitute the equivalent in this Kol Nidre Supremacist Period, something substantially worse than the grave sin of the rendering unto Ceasar what rightfully would, in any given instance, belong to God (Matt. 22:21, Acts 5:29, 1 Tim. 5:22), which would be to render unto the Synagogue of Satan what rightfully would in any given instance demonstrably belong to God
Template for transfer/assignment, maintenance of legitimate claims thru transfer whereof whether post or pre-mortem such that resource in issue would have remained encumbered- that is encumbrance succession - assignment for and from victim to successor in interest and encumbrance upon transferred resource ("asset") ever transferred by perpetrator to any given nominal successor in interest
Partial list of contract breaches perpetrated by the Nominal Sovereignty of the former u.s. of A./now Flagship Slave Colony of Kol Nidre Dom dispensing the performance which absent such breach(es) or at least absent any ongoing and unremedied breaches at any given juncture would have arguably according to a colorable argument been morally obligatory
Record of solicitations for assistance/consideration left unaccommodated and offers of consideration to audience members of site with explanations wherefore subject to impeachment
Summa Theologica's Postulation of the Different Types of Souls and the Relevance of Nominal Government Legal Edicts in re Whereto
Actual pre-eminent priority according to which activity has been and continues to be, conducted by the vast majority of adults in the now nominal u.s. of A, defacto Kol Nidre Dom, which can be defined and described via a number of different formulations - "the keeping of the allocation of Tel Aviv Toilet Rims whose maintenance would in any given instance have been Allocated to any given adult member of the population, licked adequately clean to satisfy the Jewish Supremacist Plantation Owners who have been pushing the buttons and pulling the strings on the global stage for the past 100 plus years that any given Tel Aviv Toilet Rim Licker ought be kept on the list of the goyim designated as "to be retaineds" and off the list designated as "to be eliminateds" and some of the more common pretexts ever utilized to keep the repelling aspect of such priorit(y)(ies) and any and all conduct emanating wherefrom out of the purview of any given Tel Aviv Toilet Rim Licker to the extent necessary that any and all impressions ever ending up in the mind of any given TTRL in which would be included the consideration of how repelling such priorit(y)(ies) and conduct indisputably would be and are to: 1.) the minority who refuse to exchange whatever could be considered to legitimately fit the definition of "human" in any given activity conductor for any explicitly or implicitly promised, or in other cases, simply presumed even in the abscence of either such type promise, via the controlling of the premises of public opinion and the dissemination of disinformation via the mass propagandizing Lucifer has used via his primary weapon which Jewish Supremacism constitutes against that entity referenced in various Papal promulgations as the "Catholic Cause", for by now, centuries via which to indoctrinate the populations of the countries whose governments have been hijacked by them, which propagandizing Edwin Bernay so accelerated 100 years ago , for any conjectural "security" (while the body count of goyim sacrificed as either high-valued targets or collateral damage continues to grow) and 2. youth not yet having divested themselves of their humanity, and 3. posterity, would not remain there (in the mind(s) of any given capitulator/traitor(s) long enough that any encounterer whereof in any given instance could not get any such type impression(s) removed from his or her mind such that the type of base, ignoble and reprehensible priorities and the conduct emanating wherefrom, would not have to be replaced by defacto human priorities and conduct in order for any given humanity betrayer and divestor to be capable of living with him or her self in the deplorable condition of betrayal referenced herein.
Tolerance of association (associational tolerance) with contra-depopulationist, that is, contra-genocide via democide, that is contra-Jewish Supremacist Agenda - that is contra-reign of terror projects, endeavors, operations, ventures and/or imperatives profile/ranking
Notice of associational termination/disqualifiers
The "Presumption of Regularity" Referenced in Various Nominally Legal Promulgations, and the Character of the Predication of Reliance Whereupon, Given the Actual Priorities and Presumptions According to, and Upon Which, Respectively, the Activity Conducted in Various Nominal Government Theatres in re to Which the ISMA has been Cognizant Over the Past Several Decades has Actually been Conducted
Catchall for Moral Imperative of Recovery of Protections of Non-counterfeit Version of Rule of Law in Case Answers to Certain Non-frivolous Questions in re whereto have not been Found Yet in this Website
The Criminal and Tort Liability of Any and All Jurors in Criminal Trials Who Commit Themselves to Conduct Activity Conducted by Any of Them as a Juror According to the Homage Juror Formula Being as it is Entirely Incompatible with the Actual Jury Nullification Burden of Any and Every Common Law Juror to Nullify Unjust Laws Via Refusing to Convict Whereby - EVER, in that the Objectively Reasonable Reliance Interest Required by IL v Krull (_U.S._) could never be Present in the Disregard of the Nullification of Unjust Laws Burden of Every Juror by Any Juror Ever Disregarding it In Any Given Instance
Formula which any and all ISMA Members are Bound to Accept in re the Resolution of Disputes of a Criminal and/or Civil Variety in this Period - Adjudication by Dr. E. Vieira - Supreme Judge Pro Tem of the ISMA CLT, subject to approval of 3 Estate of ISMA Member, e.g. - RJM beneficiaries, devisees legatees, at a SCL # 11 or above and if within a period of 12 months, none would be Available for Such Type Determination, via any three SCL #9 or higher profile AC's
Evident Overall Return on Investment for Sponsors, Benefactors and/or Lenders Relative to Protection of Any Given Record of Activity from ... and Various Measures of Consideration Such as ROA, Operational Capacity from Detriment Ranking
crime scene - body securement protocol to protect public's interest in vindication and adequate punishment of crime and value of the Estate of the decedent
FGJ investigation of the complicity via silence of the nominally Catholic prelates for seditious treason should investigation demonstrate that such silence emanates from orchestrated quid pro quos, or implied ... rather than the ordinary garden variety apathy, spinelessness and shamelessness by which almost all of them have been and Continue to be so obviously plagued
Periodic Bill - arrearages owed to posterity - freeloading
Ranking relative to ... evident cost of the loss whereof relative to ...,
Strongest encountered arguments for and against continued abstention from the conducting of a full-scale insurrection via which to replace the present Rothschild et al Owned Global Plantation and within it the Enslavement and Extermination Apparatus Necessary to retain the control whereof with the closest possible reproduction of the Government of the France of King St. Louis IX, Including for Starters the Minute 12:36 Exposition of Opinion of Former CIA Asset Cody Snodgres in re the Need for Vigilantism to Ever Procure Justice, IAGI and the Rising Impetus Towards Full-Scale Insurrection to Rescue the Rule of Law, Given the Magnitude of the Sin and Commitment to Violence to Impose Luciferian Priorities Now Embedded in Nominal Government Entities, and Former Navy Seal Matt Bracken's Opining re the Surge in Progress Towards Cleaning out the "Swamp" via the Imposition of the Penalty Promulgated in 18 USC 2381-4 for Seditious Treason
Three most sobering articles Regarding the Proximity of Americans to Coerced Euthanasia and Mass Liquidationin re arrangement presently in place
Operation protection of the purchasing power of the currency recovery...
posterity's entitlement - -full scale insurrection, systematic issue of FRN's or alternative currency and refusal to defer to any JS claims to resources as alternatives to the programmed assassinations of all members of the CFR advocated by JB Campbell
form apology and restitution schedule
The burden of protecting ones investment in two inextricably related entities - eternity and posterity as no investment in the prior could ever end up not benefitting the latter and the adequate bearing of the burden by which one would ever be encumbered in re the latter is an indispensable necessity to the adequate protection of any interest possessed in the prior
The Re-assignment of the Assignment of a Component of the Damages Incurred by Chris Fogarty and His Wife, Mary to Robert J. More Regarding FBI Treason, Crimes - Including Exposing Chris and Mary to death by lethal injection - and Torts
Investigation and possible bounty regarding plot to Murder all FEMA Red and Blue Listers - that is all Contra-Depopulationists, Which Includes within it, Plots for Framings, Attributions of Responsibility for the Commission of Crimes for which the Accused, IAGI, would not have been Responsible, Maimings - Coerced Psychotropic Drugging, and Other Brain and Body Destroyers, and Murders
Investigation and possible bounty regarding plot to Murder Most FEMA Yellow Listers - Subsequent to the Elimination of All FEMA Red and Blue Listers
Investigation into Plot to Kidnap the to-be-retained component of the u.s. population - FEMA Yellow Listers Considered to be of Sufficient Value for Retention in the Projected Depopulated U.N. Agenda 21 Completed Successor to the u.s. of A. Product
Investigation and Actual $10,000.00 bounty plus Percentage of Ultimate Recovery from Any Wrongful Death Lawsuit Ever Instituted, if Necessary, in Both the Contra-Government Adjudicative Tribunals Presently Operative in the "Kol Nidre Dom" System Presently in Place and Via an ISMA CLT, regarding Possible Plot to Murder R.J. More ("RJM") , specific to RJM, within the Larger Demonstrable Plot to Murder all FEMA Red and Blue Listers, and/or Main Core List Members within the Larger Plot to murder the rest of the to-be-eliminated component of the u.s. of A. population
Contra-invitation to Pro-life Activist - Politician-Beggers, Talk-Show Guests and Callers, Side-walk Counselors, Sign-Holders, Blog-Posters, Protest-Attendees, Tour Participants and Handwringers in General, Who Continue to Leave the Still Obligatory Magna Charta's Clause 61 Burden (see John Wolfgram "The Lost Right to Petition", David Kopel "The Catholic Second Amendment", Unborne, (eg. Randall Terry and PLAL Disciples)If you want to Encounter the Contemporary Equivalent of The Hungary of Bella Kuhn, Just Keep Doing What You Have Been Doing
Proposed Terms of Surrender Template Used in Lieu of a Proposed Concession of Criminal Liability in re Crimes or Release and Satisfaction in re Contract Breaches and Torts That Would be Appropriate Were There Adequate Functioning Adjudicative Tribunals Now in Operation
ISMA Members Operational Capacity Provision of Answers to Questions Regulations - Operative in the Police State Presently Operative in the u.s. of A. in 2018 - Short Answer - For What Ought to Constitute Adequate Security Reasons, Answers to Such Type Questions are Only Available to ISMA CCSCL Profiles #9 and Higher, Unless a Dispensation in re Whereto, IAGI, would have Formally been Issued by the ISMA Executive Committee
Hard-Hat Area Within Larger Construction Area, Within Warehouse Version Of Website
A Few Particular ISMA Sponsorship and Scholarship Opportunities Now Available or Whose Formulation is In the Process of Being Completed (Indemnification for the Predication of Reliance Upon Any Given Opportunity/Project Beyond the Consideration of Any and All Requirements, Prohibitions, Terms and/or Conditions Applicable In Any Given Instance to Any Given Operation is Only Available Upon thlhe Delivery/Demonstration of the Procurement of Insribed Confirmation in re Any Such Type Indemnification from an ISMA Member at CCSCL #8 or Higher - Most of them as of 032518, possess no funding whatsoever) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
1. Contra-Reign of Terror, Enforcement of the Protections of the Components of the Contract the Constitution of the now nominal u.s. of A. that Are Not Incompatible with the Natural Moral Law Referenced in Romans 2:15, Constitute, Against Nominal Government Entities and The Mostly but not yet Exclusively, Luciferian Minion, Operatives, Through Whose Activity the Committee of 300's Demonic Agenda, Continues to be Imposed at Gunpoint at Various Measures of Culpability of the Perpetrators Whereof Upon Those Not Capable of Contesting Such Type Impositions In Any Given Instance, and Indirectly but Nonetheless Accomplish the Enforcement of Such Protections Against the Button-Pushers and String-Pullers who Have for the Past Century Plus and Do Now, Own the Global Plantation upon which this Notice Has Been Provided, Sponsorship Stipends Available for Commandment Keeping Adults and Tolerandi. Use the Contact Information Provided in this Site to Procure the Information Necessary to Complete and Submit Applications for Such Stipends Until the Details Regarding this Apostolic Venture Get Posted
2. Academic Homeschooling Scholarships Available for Commandment Keeping Children in Need, Ages 6-10, Who Explicitly Commit Themselves to Procure the Knowledge, Convictions and Skills Necessary to Adequately Bear the Fourth Commandment, (Ex...:.., Acts 5:29, Matt. 22:21, 1 Tim. 5:22, Rom. 12:18-21, Contemporary Equivalent of Magna Charta's "25 Barons" and/or "Distrainors and Distressors") Burdens, Respectively (Including, Inter Alia, Most Specifically the Burdens of Federal Grand Jurors Adequately Protective of Their Independence, Jury Nullification-Wielding Petite Jurors, as County Sheriff Summonsed Posse Members and as active Members of the Militia of the Several States Including Preparedness to Fight Foreign Predators) as Most Recently Explicated Regarding Specific Historical Developments and Arrangements in the Papal Promulgations of Immortale Dei, Quas Primas, Divini Redemptoris, the Papal Permission to von Stauffenberg to Attempt to Assassinate Hitler, and the Papal Christmas Message of 1956. Use the Contact Information Provided in this Site to Procure the Information Necessary to Complete and Submit Applications for Such Scholarships Until the Details Regarding this Apostolic Venture Get Posted
3. Operation Indictment - The Recovery of the Independence of the Federal Grand Jury....
4. Operation Gargantuan Fraud Disgorging and Divestment, System Reset,Including Adequate Punishment of its Contemporary Perpetrators and Recovery of the Protection of the Purchasing Power of the Currency Guaranteed by the Constitution's Art I, Section 8, Cl. 5.
5. Operation Safe Hospice - Establishment of a Catholic Non-incompatible Hospital and Sanctuary for Those Permanently Disabled by Nominal Government Criminality and Violence - who Obviously Cannot Risk Admission to Any Presently Operative Hospital at this Juncture, not to Mention if the Present Enslavement in All of its Distress Opens up into the Consummation of the Instigation of an Open Insurrection Presently hh in Progress
6. Operation FBI Charter Revocation/Individual Inquity Enforcement Agents - Indictments, Convictions, Incarcerations, De-certifications, Pension Reversions to Crime Victims - Including General Population in Some Apportioned Mode, Restitution Recoveries, and Other Predator Incapacitation Measures- Directed to the POTUS for Executive Order Issuance, the Nominal u.s. A. Congress for Legislative Enactment, and the SCOTUS - to the Extent Any Demand Could be Made Whereupon, Respectively, Without in So Doing Incurring Culpability for Sin for Not Having Accomplished Enough IAGI, Such that the Dismantling and Not any Reinforcement of the Enslavement and Extermination Apparatus Presently in Place in this Nominal Nation Would Constitute the Net Effect of the Positing of Any Given Demand Whereto, Respectively
7. Operation Nominal Municipality of the City of Chicago, IL, Charter Revocation/Individual Inquity Enforcement Agents - Indictments, Convictions, Incarcerations, Pension Reversions to Crime Victims - Including General Population in Some Apportioned Mode, Restitution Recoveries, and Other Predator Incapacitation Measures - Directed to the POTUS for Executive Order Issuance, the Nominal u.s. A. Congress for Legislative Enactment, and the SCOTUS - to the Extent Any Demand Could be Made Whereupon, Respectively, Without in So Doing Incurring Culpability for Sin for Not Having Accomplished Enough IAGI, Such that the Dismantling and Not any Reinforcement of the Enslavement and Extermination Apparatus Presently in Place in this Nominal Nation Would Constitute the Net Effect of the Positing of Any Given Demand Whereto, Respectively, and to the Nominal Governor, the Legislature and the Supreme Court of the State of IL According to the Same "Net Dismantling and Not Reinforcement Formula" as Referenced Herein Supra (If There was Any Way that the Hellhole County of Cook, IL, Abomination Unto the Lord could Revoke it in Regard to Which RJM would have been Cognizant, Any Such Type Method would have been Included Herein)
8. Operation Nominal County of Cook, IL, Charter Revocation/Individual Inquity Enforcement Agents - Indictments, Convictions, Incarcerations, Pension Reversions to Crime Victims - Including General Population in Some Apportioned Mode, Restitution Recoveries, and Other Predator Incapacitation Measures - Directed to the POTUS for Executive Order Issuance, the Nominal u.s. A. Congress for Legislative Enactment, and the SCOTUS - to the Extent Any Demand Could be Made Whereupon, Respectively, Without in So Doing Incurring Culpability for Sin for Not Having Accomplished Enough IAGI, Such that the Dismantling and Not any Reinforcement of the Enslavement and Extermination Apparatus Presently in Place in this Nominal Nation Would Constitute the Net Effect of the Positing of Any Given Demand Whereto, Respectively, and to the Nominal Governor, the Legislature and the Supreme Court of the State of IL According to the Same "Net Dismantling and Not Reinforcement Formula" as Referenced Herein Supra
9. Operation Nominal State of IL, Charter Revocation/Individual Inquity Enforcement Agents - Indictments, Convictions, Incarcerations, Pension Reversions to Crime Victims - Including General Population in Some Apportioned Mode, Restitution Recoveries, and Other Predator Incapacitation Measures - Directed to the POTUS for Executive Order Issuance, the Nominal u.s. A. Congress for Legislative Enactment, and the SCOTUS - to the Extent Any Demand Could be Made Whereupon, Respectively, Without in So Doing Incurring Culpability for Sin for Not Having Accomplished Enough IAGI, Such that the Dismantling and Not any Reinforcement of the Enslavement and Extermination Apparatus Presently in Place in this Nominal Nation Would Constitute the Net Effect of the Positing of Any Given Demand Whereto, Respectively
. 10. Operation Nominal University/Quasi-Municipality of Notre Dame, IN, Charter Revocation/Individual Inquity Enforcement Agents - Indictments, Convictions, Incarcerations, Pension Reversions to Crime Victims - Including General Population in Some Apportioned Mode, Restitution Recoveries, and Other Predator Incapacitation Measures - Directed to the POTUS for Executive Order Issuance, the Nominal u.s. A. Congress for Legislative Enactment, and the SCOTUS - to the Extent Any Demand Could be Made Whereupon, Respectively, Without in So Doing Incurring Culpability for Sin for Not Having Accomplished Enough IAGI, Such that the Dismantling and Not any Reinforcement of the Enslavement and Extermination Apparatus Presently in Place in this Nominal Nation Would Constitute the Net Effect of the Positing of Any Given Demand Whereto, Respectively, and to the Nominal Governor, the Legislature and the Supreme Court of the State of IN, According to the Same "Net Dismantling and Not Reinforcement Formula" as Referenced Herein Supra (If There was Any Way that the Hellhole County of Cook, IL, Abomination Unto the Lord could Revoke it in Regard to Which RJM would have been Cognizant, Any Such Type Method would have been Included Herein)
11. Operation Nominal u.s. of A ("NUSA"), Charter Revocation/Individual Inquity Enforcement Agents - Indictments, Convictions, Incarcerations, Pension Reversions to Crime Victims - Including General Population in Some Apportioned Mode, Restitution Recoveries, and Other Predaor Incapacitation Measures - Directed to Non-incorrigible Component of the Population of the now nominal u.s. of A., as sovereign authority has reverted back to such Component from the Plethora of Grave Contract Breaches Perpetrated Thru the NUSA by the Committee of 300 and/or By Individual Iniquity-Workers Conducting Activity Via the Auspices of Such Entity's Purported Authority, IAGI - Directed to the Component of the Population of the NUSA Which at the Very Least, is Still Opposed to the Freedom from Criminalization of Baby Murder and Sodomy
12. Operation Rom. 13:14 Rehabilitation Centers Establishment
13. Operation Sanctuary for Inheriters of the Talmudic-barbaric Religion, Who Would Reject the Genocide via Democide Agenda or At Least Some Given Component(s)Whereof, or Even Moreso - Contest and Attack it, and Would Ever be in Need of a Sanctuary/Fortress to Protect Them from the Retaliation/Escalation of Oppression To Which Such Type Profile Individuals Would Ever be Susceptible and to Which They Are Especially Targeted (Aaron Russo's Death Cannot Legitimately Remain Uninvestigated, Nor Can Paul Wellstone's) (Ben Freedman is One of America's Greatest Heroes, Sherman Skolnick and Others Have Also Contributed to the Identification of At Least Various Components of the NUSA's Source of Afflictions not Part and Parcel of the Fallen Human Condition)
14. Operation Help the Homosexuals and all of the Rest of Those Included in the Now Ubiquitous Acronyms Who Might Not Want to Remain Enslaved to Sin Out of Their Enslavement Rather than Ever Accepting, Much Less Endeavoring to Procure, Utility of Whatever Type, be it Political Support, Commercial Distribution and/or Consumption, Negotiation Leverage, Opposition Deflection and/or Any Other Means, In Any Given Instance, Out of the Exploitation whereof
15. Operation Special Assistance for Those Subjected to the Indescribable Atrocity of Pedophilia and the Bringing to Justice of Any And All Perpetrators Whereof
16. Operation Save the Brains of the Other-than-Already-Entirely Brainwashed - Obliterate Coercive Psychotropic Drugging and Get Adequate Punishment Administered to All Participants in the Perpetration Whereof
. Operation Arm and/or Otherwise Empower the Elderly in Preparation for the Euthanasia for Which These Vulnerable Persons (which of Course, at Least Remotely, Includes All Goyim) have been Targeted
Notice to Donors - If Any Given Donation Would be Intended to Provide Funds for a Particular Project Rather than to be Deposited Into the ISMA General Fund, Indication of which Particular Project to Which Any Given Donation would be Designated Can be Provided Along with the Remission of a Given Donation Via the Use of the Comment Apparatus Which Accompanies the Donate Apparatus Present Herein Supra
Notice to Debtors - Under Construction
Notice to Legal Claim Contract Breach and/or Tort Liability Incurrers and/or Anyone Obliged to the Making of Restitution for Injuries Unjustifiably Inflicted - Under Construction
Seven of the Most Common Ways Identified Via Words Beginning with the Letter "C" via Which Any Given Individual(s) can Incur Detriment to Any Given Individual's Prospects for the Procurement of Deliverance from All Evils Via the Incurrment of Detriment from the Consequences of Sins of Some Individual Other than Oneself
Categorical Pacifism - the Antithesis of Defacto Catholicism and an Abomination Unto the Lord - Document Related to General Prohibition on Any Auto-Determination of the Moral Character of any Given Course of Action Ever Subject to Consideration in Magna Charta Clause 61 and its Successor Promulgations and/or Any Other Type of Contra-Predatory Vigilante Remedy Ever Subject to Consideration, In Any Given Instance, Necessary in Any Arrangement in which the Synderetic Capacity of Those Having Ended up on Opposite Sides in any given Adversarial Posture Type Arrangement, IAGI, would have been as Disparate as that of Daniel and the Balance of the Population of the Entity in Which Daniel Examined Susanna's False Accusers in the Biblical Book of Daniel Chapter 13, or Greater - Given that in Such Type Arrangement, the Eternal Interest of the Everyone Concerned and the Proximate Economic and Political Interest of Members of the General Population At Large would demonstrably be for the Opinion and/or Position of Daniel in re that Matter to Constitute the Locus from which the Summonsing of the Collective Force of the Body Politic would Emanate Rather than the Opinion and/or Position of the Members of the General Population Prior to Daniel's Examination of Susanna's False Accusers
Presently Applicable ISMA Legal Claim Divestiture Formula for ISMA Br. #4 AAA, RJ More, in Instance(s) in which Standard Rebate Form Promulgated Elsewhere Would not be Applicable and Operative
Document and Docket Table of Contents - Roughly Chronological - see also Alphabetical Document and Docket Table of Contents
Documents and Project/Operation Dockets Concerning Matters The Chronicling of Which Constitutes the Function of this Table of Contents Can Also Be Found at:
1. Alphabetical Document and Docket Table of Contents
2. Key for this Document
3. Initial Component of Complaint (of 041717) to M. Pence("M.P") , NUND, Invitation to Resign/Abolish NUND, Apology & Pledge to Posterity/Notice of Intent to Sue -ISMA CLT and Nominal Government Hell Hole Tribunals
4. First Superseding Component of Complaint (of 041717) to M. Pence("M.P") , NUND, Invitation to Resign/Abolish NUND, Apology & Pledge to Posterity/Notice of Intent to Sue -ISMA CLT and Nominal Government Hell Hole Tribunals
5. Document List for Initial Component of 8/21/16 of F. Regalado Monticello St. Property Crimes, Torts and Contract Breaches Counteroffensive - D/L F Reg Counteroffensive of 82116
ab 6. Document List for First Superseding Component of 8/22/16 of F. Regalado Monticello St. Property Crimes, Torts and Contract Breaches Counteroffensive - D/L F Reg Counteroffensive of 82116
7. More et al v Nominal U. of Notre Dame Complaint et al of 5/13/16 Submitted for Filing in St. Joseph Cty, IN Superior Court
5. Proposed Executive order of 5/11/17 Regarding Nominal University of and Quasi-municipality pursuant to the authority of Marsh v AL (_U.S._) Notre Dame ("NUND") - prohibiting the positing of any interference with the completion of the task....
(NUND Desecration Rectification Project) Initial Component of Complaint of 051317, mailed on 051317 from South Bend, IN or whenever submitted if ever submitted, ....(
6. Notre Dame Desecration Rectification Project Online Docket
7. Frank Regalado Incurrment of Cannibalism and Counteroffensive Online Docket
8. Operation Replace the Genocide via Democide Edomite Enslavement and Extermination Apparatus Presently in Place in the Nominal u.s. of A. with A Demonstrably Legitimate Reliance Interest - Accomodating Entity, Setting Stage for Rebirth of a "New Camelot" - First Republican Presidential Debate of 2020 Election
9. Official revisions to Presently Operative Will of Robert J. More in re "Estate of Robert J. More" of 101317
10. Document List for Claim Retention and Protection in this Apostate, Antinomian and Cannibalistic, Historical Period in Which Legitimate Claim Adjudications have Remained Unavailable Except in Whatever Atypical Arrangements Have Ever Been and/or Remain Present and Encountered or Encounterable, Respectively of 092317 - D/L CP - 092317
11. ISMA General Disclaimer/Credal Profession
12. ISMA Liberation From Enslavement to Jewish Supremacism Formula/"Reverse Martial Law" Template
13. ISMA Unavoidable Interaction with Nominal Government Entity &/or Actor Disclaimer
14. ISMA Member Use of Federal Reserve Note(s) Disclaimer
15. ISMA Unavoidable Interaction with Unconverted Jews
16. Document List in re RJM's endeavor to address court in re Young S.S. fairness hearing of 091317, Rule Whatever Motion of 101117 – D/L of RJM Young S.S. ...101117
17. Present Offer - Presented as Proposed Release and Satisfaction in Nominal Notre Dame Desecration Rectification Project on 102117 via email to various nominal UND entities
18. Lessin Volume Elevation Blast Injury RJM's Hearing, RJM's Verified Statement 111617, Invitations to Confirm Accuracy of RJM VS, Demonstrate Innocence of Criminal Culpability Incurrence and Confirm Reliance Interest Accomodation,
20. Document List for Initial Component of 021618 of Submission to Federal Grand Jury or the Closest Similitude Whereof of 021618
21. Document List for Initial Component of 021618 of Abbreviated Submission to Federal Grand Jury or the Closest Similitude Whereof of 021618
22. Document List for First Superseding Component of 022018 of Submission to Federal Grand Jury or the Closest Similitude Whereof of 021618 - D/L Grifmart crim fs022018
23. Document List for First Superseding Component of 022018 of Abbreviated Submission to Federal Grand Jury or the Closest Similitude Whereof of 021618 - D/L Grifmart crim fs022018
24. Document List for Second Superseding Component of 022718 of Submission to Federal Grand Jury or the Closest Similitude Whereof of 021618 - D/L Grifmart crim ss022718
25. Complaint Against Community Superior Donald Wuerl, Joseph Biden, John Boehner and the University of Contra-Notre Dame submitted for filing on or about 051418 in the U.S.D.C. for the Northern District of IN Kol Nidre Dom Hell Hole
26. Complaint Against Community Superior Donald Wuerl, Joseph Biden, John Boehner and the University of Contra-Notre Dame submitted for filing on or about 051418 in the U.S.D.C. for the Northern District of IN Kol Nidre Dom Hell Hole
27. Report of 061118 in re Wuerl, Contra-Notre Dame et al
. Document List for Second Superseding Component of 022718 of Abbreviated Submission to Federal Grand Jury or the Closest Similitude Whereof of 021618 - D/L Grifmart crim ss022018ab
Disclaimer - Associations and Activity of ISMA Member between (DO7thBday) 04071967 and (DO most emphatic realization of evident consequences of ROA) 033106 -
Tribute to Mr. W.R More, Dr. John Cywinski, Dr. C. Rice, Prof. and Mrs. E. Murphy Mr. Edward Pils, Mr. Patrick Valentine, Mrs. K Johlie, Various Grandparents of ISMA Members and Others of Similar Profile for Whom Prayers and Sacrifices Cannot be Remitted Upon Any Presumption Incompatible with Defacto Catholic Authoritative Sources Promulgated Regarding The Eternal Condition of Those Whose Final Earthly Theatre Activity Indicative of a Religious Affiliation in Consciencia Foro Externo Was and/or Would Be Incompatible with the Possession of the Grace of Justification as the Requirements for the Possession Whereof Have Been Defined by the Identifiable Authoritative Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church Fund
Emergency Motion of 120318 in C.C.C.C. of IL Case # 2018 M1 010368 - More et al v Extra Space Storage, et al
F.B.I. documents
*** This document: fbirjminves032017.html is posted for F.B.I. Special Agent, Emmy McCrystal (spelling of name uncertain) of the West division of the F.B.I.'s Chicago, IL area, by Mr. Robert J. More, and with some technical assistance of the webmaster, listed below:
*** Petition to replace present FBI investigation, escorts et al of Robert J. More, with the hiring of former U.S. S.S. Agent Daniel Bongino....
*** Explanation to FBI Agent In re the provisions of Magna Charta Clause 61 - first superseding version of this document as somehow one sentence of its predecessor ended up being incomplete
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