The Four Types of Criminality and Violence to Which Humans Have Always Been Susceptible Since the Establishment of Governments and Nations, the Fifth Type Whereof To Which Humans in the Now Nominal European and Nations Colonized by European Nations have been Susceptible Since Lucifer Has Succeeded in Subjugating All Such Nations Other than Bellarus, Guernsey and Venezuela to Jewish Supremacism and the Sixth Type Which Has Followed in the Wake of the Ascendancy of Jewish Supremacism as the Defacto Religion of the Occident, Bringing With it the Destruction of the Moral Fabric of the Occident and the Leaving in the Place Whereof, a Brutal, Barbaric and Atavistic, Sick and Twisted, Skull and Cross Bones Ethos All Laminated with the Ubiquitous Yellow Smiley Face of Bureaucratic Tranquility whereupon and in re which the Maintenance of the "Placid Surface" (the type of arrangements Crocodiles in a Swamp Maintain so the Gazelles and Other Prey will end up in Within Reach of Consumption, in Such Type Arrangement in which any "Disturbance of the False Peace in Place Whereof " Constitutes a Predicate Upon which Nominal Government Violence and Correlative Attempts to Justify it in Any Given Instance are So Frequently Predicated
Under Construction Version Which Might be of Value in Inchoate Form
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Types #1 - 6
1. Criminality and Violence Perpetrated by Other Other-Than -Government Representatives Abiding and Operating Within the Confines of One's Nation
2. Criminality and Violence Perpetrated by Entities Foreign to One's Own Nation
3. Criminality and Violence Perpetrated Directly by One's Sovereign Thru the Operation of the Agency of his Subordinates
4. Criminality and Violence Perpetrated by the Governmental Representative Subordinates of One's Sovereign Without Either There Having Been Express Permission of the Sovereign Provided Wherefore, IAGI, Nor There Having Been Any Basis for Responsibility Wherefore, IAGI Having Been Attributable to Any Cause Constituting Culpability of the Sovereign Wherefore Beyond the Phenomena that "Authority Can Be Delegated, But Responsibility Cannot Be" IAGI
5. Criminality and Violence Perpetrated by What Has for At Least the Past Century and Prior Whereto and Still Now Constitutes the Global Plantation Owning Class which is Constituted of the Jewish Supremacist Overlords
6. Criminality and Violence Perpetrated by Private Sector Individuals Via the Use of Nominal Government Entities in Instances in Which the Global Plantation Owners would not have been Directly Involved, but Rather in which Any Given "(Collection of) Members of the Slavemaster Class" would have Exploited A Given Component of Leverage to Defraud - via the Use of Nominal Government Collective Force Summonsing or the Prospect Whereof - Any Given Commoner Apprehended to not have Possessed the Military Capacity to Defeat Any Given Nominal Government Facilitated Defraudment and/or Other Malefaction Up To and Including Murder
(Note: No single type of remedy for types #1-4 has been present, used and endured through the centuries of history preceding the one in which this document has been composed, though in King St. Louis'es France, only #1 constituted any above de minimus problem, and even whatever component of such type problem existed then and there was incomparably less than it is now in the nominal u.s. of A. as contra-predatory vigilantism on an individual or collective basis, and/or its prospect was available to rectify injustices ever inflicted and deter injustices to which any given malefactor would have ever been tempted without there having been any professional collective force of the body politic entit(y)(ies) whose members would be susceptible to associating a contrived apprehended dependency of the citizenry upon activity over which they would possess control - the investigation, apprehension, adjudication and punishment of crime - to their temporal interest, as the enormous problem American's now have of keeping nominal governments which have continued to be and are now ultimately subjugated to Jewish Supremacism and its all-corrupting influence out of the protection from and adequate punishment of, crime, equation, IAGI, was non-existent)
Abbreviated Postulation Regarding the State of (In)security of the Citizenry of the Nominal u.s. of A. from Criminality and Violence as of 04148
Today, in what now constitutes the Amerikhazarian Flagship Colony of the Jewish Supremacist Global Plantation, the American Citizenry is Indisputably (According to the Understanding of the Matters Concerned of Various Individuals Demonstrably More Familiar with the Entities in Issue than the Average Member of the General American Population in re this Matter and Possessing ISMA Security Clearances of Level's 7 and Above) Incomparably Less Secure from Criminality and Violence than were, to take one population from one country, in one period of history, the the Citizens of England in the Period After the Establishment of Magna Charta.
First and Foremost, in present Amerikhazaria, via the pretext of providing the citizenry protection from Types #1 and #2 of the Types of Criminality and Violence included in the list of such type entities included in this document, the Global Plantation Owners have continued to perpetrate atrocities of every stripe and sort in their "Macro Plot to Murder" -that constitutes their Depopulation of the Goyim and Consummation of Enslavement of Those Not Eliminated Agenda for this country. Via the use of their "problem-reaction-solution formula" they have incrementally decimated the contract which the Constitution of the u.s. of A. is supposed to constitute, bringing the nominal u.s. of A. ever deeper into an enshacklement from which no extrication predicated solely upon merely human means will be possible.
The control of the nominal governments, the "educational" institutions, and the mass media that has ended up in the possession of the Jewish Supremacists since the fraudulent enactment of the Federal Reserve Act enabled them to procure control of this nation's money supply and to massively enrich themselves whereby at the expense and victimization of the rest of the population has enabled them to indoctrinate a gullible and sissified population of goyim into accepting arrangements which are patently incompatible with the laws of nature and nature's God.
The many contributing factors in the incremental enslavement of America are addressed in other documents which augment, supplement and otherwise relate to this one and can be assessed whereat.
For now, it is herein opined that only a complete imbecile, a Rolf from the Sound of Music, or a Winston Smith from Orwell's 1984 could possibly understand that for example the FBI is needed for anything other than the Jewish Supremacists completion of its genocide via democide agenda. Its framing, maiming and murdering role has been so flagrant, brazen and blatant that the revocation of its charter now constitutes a moral imperative. Whatever actual threat is posed by foreign belligerents (including any not actually produced by Jewish Supremacism for the purpose of the consummation of its New World Order Agenda) and/or private sector citizeny inside of this country can be far better controlled and defeated via the means of the constitutionaly mandated well-regulated citizens' militia(s), and contra-predatory vigilantism of the type of law enforcement used in Medieval England in its posse summonsing and utilization, respectively, than has been the case in the dreadful, baneful and tragic period of Lucifer's use of the FBI and its affiliates to destroy what has not already been destroyed of the Noncounterfeit Version of the Rule of Law and the Constitutional Republic of the u.s. of A.
Ditto for the standing army municipal police departments and any other type entities where more than 3 or at the most 4 Neo-Nazis could ever engage in any joint cooperative venture ordering to the maimimg and/or murdering of any citizen, most especially any ISMA SCL #4 or above profile individual.
For now, until this document can be completed, anyone who would understand that the maintenance of the police state presently operative in Amerikhazaria constitutes any type of "necessary evil", much less any type of beneficial to any reliance interest to which the adjective legitimate might possibly be appended, arrangement, would be welcome to catch the next flight to Tel Aviv and lick the toilet rims there clean or at least participate in a debate with the author of this document in re whereto, or to simply publicly concede the author's position in re whereto. Until the entire civilization destroying system can be abolished and replaced with something legitimate or at least kept out of existence, until such type of replacement could be accomplished, the unjustified summonsing of the collective force of the body politic must be, once identied as unjustified, militarily opposed, BEFORE all of the FEMA Red Listers would have been eliminated.
Some references:
USCCA - Six Minutes....
Pro Libertate - W. Grigg - numerous articles
Rutherford Institute - numerous articles
The Economics of the Police State - Dr. Thomas Wood
Anything and everything produced by Dr. E. Vieira in this regard