Jn21-15protctr.tripod.com/ismaFRNusedisc092617.html - Disclaimer in re Evidently Unavoidable, Except at Evident Unjustifiable Cost &/or Loss, Acceptance &/or Use of Federal Reserve Notes (“FRN”) by Lesser Defacto Catholic, Robert J. More, More than 100 Years Since the Legitimate Art. I, Sect. 8, Cl. 5, Constitutional Currency of the u.s. of A. Was Replaced by the FRN, Counterfeit Currency in what in that transition Became the Nominal u.s. of A./de facto Flagship Colony of the Jewish Supremacist Global Plantation
So as, inter alia, to avoid the incurrment of any culpability for any sin (1 Tim. 5:22) via the contribution, howsoever unintendedly in any given instance ("IAGI"), to the conferment of the appearance of legitimacy and correlative acceptability upon the existence and/or operation(s) of any government entit(y)(ies) and/or any activity conducted whereby IAGI, which are demonstrably to a measure of moral certainty, de facto, instruments of the identifiable Jewish Supremacist, Apoc. 2:9, and 3:9 demonstrably non-incompatible, Consummation of the Enslavement of the Not Non Neo-Nazi, and Extermination of the Non Neo-Nazi, Component(s), respectively, of the World’s Population Agenda via the use of the patently unconstitutional Federal Reserve Notes (“FRN”’s) - instituted as they were via the unconstitutional, and treasonous enactment of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 - without at least disclaiming any defacto volitional and presumably, correlatively exculpated via evident necessity via the operation of legitimate principles of cooperation in gravely sinful arrangements, use, whereof, RJM herein submits this disclaimer, subject to modification and/or supersession in the future, namely that RJM recognizes that there is no legitimacy to any Jewish Supremacist Owned and Controlled ("JSOC") Anything whatsoever and that the use of FRN’s not accompanied by disclaimers may very well not even constitute a “truly probable” type of activity, absent exigent circumstances. (Citations to authorities in support of these claims available upon request). Defined in the alternative, RJM is concerned that the net effect of any use by him of FRN’s, not constitute a net “reinforcement” of the presently operative control of the money supply and with it, of the of the now nominal federal government of the u.s. of A. by the Rothschilds, et al. Robert J. More, ISMA, Br. #4, AAA, anselm45@gmail.com, thirstforjustice.tripod.com.
Jn21-15protctr.tripod.com/ismaFRNusedisc092617.html - Disclaimer in re Evidently Unavoidable, Except at Evident Unjustifiable Cost &/or Loss, Acceptance &/or Use of Federal Reserve Notes (“FRN”) by Lesser Defacto Catholic, Robert J. More, More than 100 Years Since the Legitimate Art. I, Sect. 8, Cl. 5, Constitutional Currency of the u.s. of A. Was Replaced by the FRN, Counterfeit Currency in what in that transition Became the Nominal u.s. of A./de facto Flagship Colony of the Jewish Supremacist Global Plantation
So as, inter alia, to avoid the incurrment of any culpability for any sin (1 Tim. 5:22) via the contribution, howsoever unintendedly in any given instance ("IAGI"), to the conferment of the appearance of legitimacy and correlative acceptability upon the existence and/or operation(s) of any government entit(y)(ies) and/or any activity conducted whereby IAGI, which are demonstrably to a measure of moral certainty, de facto, instruments of the identifiable Jewish Supremacist, Apoc. 2:9, and 3:9 demonstrably non-incompatible, Consummation of the Enslavement of the Not Non Neo-Nazi, and Extermination of the Non Neo-Nazi, Component(s), respectively, of the World’s Population Agenda via the use of the patently unconstitutional Federal Reserve Notes (“FRN”’s) - instituted as they were via the unconstitutional, and treasonous enactment of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 - without at least disclaiming any defacto volitional and presumably, correlatively exculpated via evident necessity via the operation of legitimate principles of cooperation in gravely sinful arrangements, use, whereof, RJM herein submits this disclaimer, subject to modification and/or supersession in the future, namely that RJM recognizes that there is no legitimacy to any Jewish Supremacist Owned and Controlled ("JSOC") Anything whatsoever and that the use of FRN’s not accompanied by disclaimers may very well not even constitute a “truly probable” type of activity, absent exigent circumstances. (Citations to authorities in support of these claims available upon request). Defined in the alternative, RJM is concerned that the net effect of any use by him of FRN’s, not constitute a net “reinforcement” of the presently operative control of the money supply and with it, of the of the now nominal federal government of the u.s. of A. by the Rothschilds, et al. Robert J. More, ISMA, Br. #4, AAA, anselm45@gmail.com, thirstforjustice.tripod.com.
Jn21-15protctr.tripod.com/ismaFRNusedisc092617.html - Disclaimer in re Evidently Unavoidable, Except at Evident Unjustifiable Cost &/or Loss, Acceptance &/or Use of Federal Reserve Notes (“FRN”) by Lesser Defacto Catholic, Robert J. More, More than 100 Years Since the Legitimate Art. I, Sect. 8, Cl. 5, Constitutional Currency of the u.s. of A. Was Replaced by the FRN, Counterfeit Currency in what in that transition Became the Nominal u.s. of A./de facto Flagship Colony of the Jewish Supremacist Global Plantation
So as, inter alia, to avoid the incurrment of any culpability for any sin (1 Tim. 5:22) via the contribution, howsoever unintendedly in any given instance ("IAGI"), to the conferment of the appearance of legitimacy and correlative acceptability upon the existence and/or operation(s) of any government entit(y)(ies) and/or any activity conducted whereby IAGI, which are demonstrably to a measure of moral certainty, de facto, instruments of the identifiable Jewish Supremacist, Apoc. 2:9, and 3:9 demonstrably non-incompatible, Consummation of the Enslavement of the Not Non Neo-Nazi, and Extermination of the Non Neo-Nazi, Component(s), respectively, of the World’s Population Agenda via the use of the patently unconstitutional Federal Reserve Notes (“FRN”’s) - instituted as they were via the unconstitutional, and treasonous enactment of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 - without at least disclaiming any defacto volitional and presumably, correlatively exculpated via evident necessity via the operation of legitimate principles of cooperation in gravely sinful arrangements, use, whereof, RJM herein submits this disclaimer, subject to modification and/or supersession in the future, namely that RJM recognizes that there is no legitimacy to any Jewish Supremacist Owned and Controlled ("JSOC") Anything whatsoever and that the use of FRN’s not accompanied by disclaimers may very well not even constitute a “truly probable” type of activity, absent exigent circumstances. (Citations to authorities in support of these claims available upon request). Defined in the alternative, RJM is concerned that the net effect of any use by him of FRN’s, not constitute a net “reinforcement” of the presently operative control of the money supply and with it, of the of the now nominal federal government of the u.s. of A. by the Rothschilds, et al. Robert J. More, ISMA, Br. #4, AAA, anselm45@gmail.com, thirstforjustice.tripod.com.