
Document List in re RJM's endeavor to address court in re Young S.S. fairness hearing of 091317, Rule Whatever Motion of 101117 – D/L of RJM Young S.S. ...101117

1. D/L of RJM Young S.S. ...101117 X

2. D/L of RJM Exec. Comm ...Young S.S. ...101017 X

3. Initial Component of 101017, of Motion for Immediate Recission of the Nominal Executive Committee Order.... - Doc. #2 from Entry # 2 Included Herein Supra X

4. Initial Component of 101117, of Motion Pursuant to Rule Whatever in the F.R. of Civ. Proc. for Alteration of Judgment and/or Various Other Measures of Consideration, Filed Within 28 days of 091317, Via Which RJM Moves this Court to Summarily Grant the Relief Referenced in the "Proposed Order of RJM of 101117" X

5. Service List for 101117 X

6. Notice of Motion of 101117 X

7. <Entirety of documents transmitted to Court via CD P. Ger Prior to 091317 Fairness Hearing...>

8. Reverse Martial Law

9. Report of 101517 in re RJM participation in Young Strip Search Resolution

10. Disclaimer Schedule

11. General Disclaimer

12. Nominal Government Activity Participation Disclaimer

13. FRN Disclaimer

14. Papal Condemnations of Unconverted Jewish Office Holding, and Practicing of Professions, Papal Promulgations Regarding Limitations Upon Associations of Catholics with Unconverted Jews, Protections of the Jews from Any Type of Violence and/or Oppression and Related Issues

15. First Superseding Component of ...of Motion of 101117....

16. Record of Time and Resources Used/Expended in re... and Assessments of Compensation Wherefore From Causors Whereof X

17. ISMA Member Complaint Form

18. Rule of Law v Reign of Terror

19. Proposed Order of RJM of 101117

20. Proposed Release and Satisfaction in re the Predation Perpetration Perpetrated upon RJM and the Catholic Cause and Everything Non Neo-Nazi that the Young Strip Search Case Concerns, to Cook County, IL, CC Sheriff Thomas Dart, CCSD's 1, 2, AIG, Loevy and Loevy et al, and Judge Kennelly of 101117

21. Moral Burden of Net Effect of Activity Ever Conducted of Ensuring Not the Reinforcement but Rather the Deconstruction and Replacement of Existing Institutional Systems Operative Within the Macro Edomite Enslavement and Extermination Apparatus Now in Place in the Occident and Almost Everywhere Else in this Historical Period of the Imposition of Edomite Supremacism Via Every Means the Devil Can Find to Impose Such Agenda

22. RJM's Contact Information X

23. Jn21-15protctr.tripod.com/rjmccstrisea091317sspfsrep101017.html

Document List in re RJM endeavor to address court in re fairness hearing of 091317 – D/L of RJM – SS 091317 X

24. Errata for a.) Previously Submitted Documents, b.) Documents Constituting this Collection of Documents

Entries Included Herein Supra, Adjacent to Which there is an "X" were delivered to the USDC for the ND of IL by 101117

Doc. # 22 from D/L of 101117 - RJM's Contact Information

RJM's Contact Information: Robert J. More, P.O.Box 6926, Chicago, IL, 60680, anselm45@gmail.com, 708 317-8812, contact J. Bertucci at 312 237-1295 or Gordon Watts at 863 688-9880, gww1210@aol.com if necessary

Doc. # 19 from D/L ...RJM 101117

Proposed Order of RJM of 101117

(Nominal) United States District Court

for the Northern District of IL

Young et al

v Case # 06 cv 552

Cook County, et al

.... ORDER

The entire adjudication of the case this order concerns is stayed for 365 days from the date of the issuance of this order


The entire adjudication of the case this order concerns ("this case") is stayed for 365 days from the date of the issuance of this order in order that Mr. Robert J. More will possess adequate opportunity to; 1. negotiate an arrangement with Cook County, IL and/or AIG and/or anyone else concerned sufficient to ensure the adequate protection of any and all claims concerning the predation perpetration perpetrated upon him via the strip search to which he was subjected in November of 2008 from any defense of claim preclusion (res judicata) and/or issue preclusion (collateral estoppel)(should this second matter somehow ever end up contended), which absent the issuance of this order might ever, howsoever, end up in existence, 2. explain his concerns regarding the certification issues in this class action case, particularly in regard to commonality of the claims concerned or the absence whereof, he understands are present in re the case this conveyance concerns ("this case"), 3. explain his concerns regarding the possibility that there has been collusion between class counsel and the defendants in the negotiation of the settlement negotiated in re whereto, to the unjustifiable detriment of the class members concerned, 4. explain his concern regarding the effects upon the public treasury as he understands such of the resolution of this case both regarding the cost of the presently abiding prospective resolution whereof, whereto, and the precedent set whereby in terms of incentives and disincentives which will end up having come into existence from whatever would ultimately constitute the resolution of this case, and 5. Explain any and all other issues he would understand that he would be obliged to present to this tribunal in order to ensure the adequate coverage of his moral liability regarding the matters concerned


The adjudication of the case this order concerns ("this case") is stayed for 365 days from the date of the issuance of this order in order that Mr. Robert J. More ("RJM") will possess adequate opportunity to; 1. negotiate an arrangement with Cook County, IL and/or AIG and/or anyone else concerned sufficient to ensure the adequate protection of any and all claims concerning the predation perpetration perpetrated upon him via the strip search to which he was subjected in November of 2008 from any defense of claim preclusion (res judicata) and/or issue preclusion (collateral estoppel)(should this second matter somehow ever end up contended), which absent the issuance of this order might ever, howsoever, end up in existence, relative solely to this particular issue, but regarding any and all other matters the adjudication of the matters this case concerns, such adjudication will proceed over RJM's objection, such that no claim to later contest any such issues would have been waived, forfeited nor otherwise relinquished attributable to RJM's not having accomplished anything more to this juncture regarding this adjudication that he has accomplished to this date in re whereof.

The relief granted herein is granted in consideration of the consideration of various types, which the actual direct perpetrators of the strip search, those not present for it, but responsible for it, and all adversely effected whereby - which consists of the population of individuals possessing an interest in the protection of various moral concerns from the dehumanizing effects of any unjustified strip search(es) ever conducted - have received from RJM's continued abstention from participation in the use of any contra-predatory vigilante type remedy in order to rectify the injustice perpetration this order concerns, as it is indisputably the case that no non-disabled individual could ever legitmately be considered exempted from the moral burden of participating in injustice rectification and/or predator-incapacitation projects in instances in which the net effect of any non-participation wherein would be the incurrment of a net detriment to the entity referenced in the 1935 Encyclical Ad Sacerdoti Catholici as the "Catholic Cause", which term is synonymous with the terms "public interest" and "common good".

The Office of the Clerk of the Court shall enter this order and all of Robert J. More's filings and/or attempted filings provided to the Clerk's Office in re Case # 06 cv 552 into the electronic docket maintained in re this case.

The Office of the Clerk of the Court shall implement whatever measures would have to be implemented in order for RJM to electronically file documents in the USDC for the ND of IL.

This Court confirms that it has been informed that RJM emailed a copy of the documents included in the entry #23 in the "D/L Young SS RJM 101117" whose URL is: "Jn21-15protctr.tripod.com/rjmccstrisea091317sspfsrep101017.html", and whose title is:

Document List in re RJM endeavor to address court in re fairness hearing of 091317 – D/L of RJM – SS 091317 to this Court's Courtroom Deputy on 091317 and that RJM demands that if a signed copy of some version of this order would not be provided without delay, that all of the matters referenced wherein be addressed by this Court.

This Court confirms that it has been informed that RJM is sorry for any trouble and/or grief caused it by any activity ever conducted by RJM, but that RJM has to deal with the reality that it is RJM's informed understanding that: 1. RJM's person is not his own (1 Cor. 6:19), 2. it is a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God (Heb 10:31), 3. RJM cannot afford to incur culpability from anyone else's sin (1 Tim. 5:22), 4. that RJM is not convinced that there has not been and/or is not still an abundance of sin and the destructive consequences of sin in the matters this document concerns, 5. eventual deliverance from all evils (Mt. 13:6) can be procured via the "showing of mercy" (Jas. 2:13, Mt. 5:6) calibrated upon the present constant of "posterity's evident entitlement" ('constant" in that there is not yet any freedom - the capacity to choose between various alternatives in any given instance - and correlative capacity to incur culpability for sin in posterity) 6. those, who in any given instance, "spare the guilty" incur culpability for having participated in any such instance in the "punishment of the innocent" (Qui nocentibus parcit, innocentibus punit)(see Nine different ways in which one can incur culpability for the sin of another - Catechism of the Council of Trent) and 7. the fact that the whole arrangement this conveyance concerns is evidently laden with sin, and the rectification of the evils concerned cannot be corrected without comparatively enormous exertion(s) could not, in itself, constitute a basis for RJM's exculpation from a substantial measure of culpability for whatever arrangement will end up having come into existence from the ulimate result of the adjudication of Case # 06 cv 552 in the USDC for the ND of IL, and that thus RJM finds it necessary to adequately "bear the burden" encountered regardless of anyone else's priorities and/or activity conducted in regard to this matter.

This Court confirms that it has been informed that RJM has notified it that RJM has continued to encounter accusations of conscience regarding several concerns of conscience, which have been addressed by him in various disclaimers and other type documents, some of which are listed in the Document Lists he has presented to this Court over recent months, regarding, among other issues, that issue referenced in Document #21 of the "D/L of RJM Young S.S. ...101117" but that provided he would receive the consideration of at least one of the alternatives included and present in this order, that RJM would understand, given the comparative enormity of the problems by which the nominal u.s. of A. and the world are now plagued, 100 years after the Apparitions of the Mother of God at Fatima, Portugal, that the reference to such included herein would be sufficient to ensure that there would not be anything in RJM's record of activity regarding the matters this document concerns which would be incompatible with RJM's possession of the grace of justification.

This Court confirms that it has been informed that RJM has reminded and/or informed it that Executive Committee orders are customarily single-spaced, that the condition of the Courts in this period has left RJM incapable of producing double spaced documents and that all documents concerned can be read or downloaded from the URL's at which they have been posted in double spaced format.

This Court confirms that it has been informed that RJM is convinced that evidently the most important measure which it could implement at this juncture in re this case would be to simply sign a copy of the "Reverse Martial Law" tract included herein infra and simultaneously issue an order providing the type of declaration referenced wherein both regarding the matters this document concerns and in general and that a copy of such tract is included herein: thirstforjustice.tripod.com/ismadecuncontem7616.html - Demand for Declaration of Unconstitutionality Template- –“Reverse Martial Law”

I, ………………………………………………………………, do herein demand that a declaration be issued by (this Court – (name here….)) (this Legislative Body –(name here….)) confirming that the entirety of the contents of any and all of the criminal codes presently applicable in …(name of applicable legal jurisdiction/sovereignty here ….) over which this entity possesses nominal authority have been declared to be unconstitutional as in the absence of this declaration any of such might have ever been applied in any given instance to any and all activity ever conducted by ……………………….………………which would not be demonstrably malum in se (as distinct from malum prohibitum) in character until either 1.)………. enters eternity, 2.) Christ returns and avenges all, as of that juncture, unavenged, injustices, or 3.) a.) the control of the money supply of the nominal u.s. of A. would have been returned either actually or constructively, to the Article I, Section 8, Clause 5 source in which it was originally established, b.) the entirety of the unjust enrichment-emanating windfall monetary and/or resource appropriation procured via the enactment, maintenance and/or application of the provisions (“enactment…provisions”) of the patently unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act of 1913 would have been recovered from any and all net temporary economic beneficiaries of such enactment…provisions still alive at this juncture in history (“still…history”) by the identifiable and demonstrable net victims whereof still…history, and c.) the administration of what would have been demonstrated via legitimate adjudication to constitute the evidently just recompense for the enactment….provisions whereof would have been administered to the perpetrators of such defraudment still alive at whatever juncture in history it would be at which such administration would have been completed. ___________________, ___________________, --The moral basis for the contents of this document and the claim that no position and/or arrangement incompatible wherewith could possibly possess any moral legitimacy is posted here: “thirstforjustice.tripod.com/ismadecunconmorba7616.html”. Robert J. More – anselm45@gmail.com

The contents of any and all of the criminal codes presently applicable in the jurisdiction titled the Northern District of IL over which this entity possesses nominal authority have been declared to be unconstitutional as in the absence of this declaration any of such might have ever been applied in any given instance to any and all activity ever conducted by {(Robert J. More) ("RJM")} {(Robert J. More and any equivalent of the "25 barons" referenced in Magna Charta Cl. 61) ("RJM et al")("ISMA Br. #4 AAA's")} which would not be demonstrably malum in se (as distinct from malum prohibitum) in character until either 1.) (RJM) (RJM et al")("ISMA Br. #4 AAA's) enter(s) eternity, 2.) Christ returns and avenges all, as of that juncture, unavenged, injustices, or 3.) a.) the control of the money supply of the nominal u.s. of A. would have been returned either actually or constructively, to the Article I, Section 8, Clause 5 source in which it was originally established, b.) the entirety of the unjust enrichment-emanating windfall monetary and/or resource appropriation procured via the enactment, maintenance and/or application of the provisions (“enactment…provisions”) of the patently unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act of 1913 would have been recovered from any and all net temporary economic beneficiaries of such enactment…provisions still alive at this juncture in history (“still…history”) by the identifiable and demonstrable net victims whereof still…history, and c.) the administration of what would have been demonstrated via legitimate adjudication to constitute the evidently just recompense for the enactment….provisions whereof would have been administered to the perpetrators of such defraudment still alive at whatever juncture in history it would be at which such administration would have been completed. _Judge Matthew Kennelly, ___________________, --The moral basis for the contents of this document and the claim that no position and/or arrangement incompatible wherewith could possibly possess any moral legitimacy is posted here: “jn21-15protctr.tripod.com/ismadecunconmorba7616.html”.

or at the very least:

The contents of any and all of the criminal codes presently applicable in the jurisdiction titled the "Northern District of IL" over which this entity possesses nominal authority have been declared to be unconstitutional as in the absence of this declaration any of such might have ever been applied in any given instance to any and all activity ever conducted by {(Robert J. More) ("RJM")} {(Robert J. More and any equivalent of the "25 barons" referenced in Magna Charta Cl. 61) ("RJM et al")("ISMA Br. #4 AAA's")} regarding the matters the Young Strip Search adjudication concerns which would not be demonstrably malum in se (as distinct from malum prohibitum) in character until either 1.) (RJM) (RJM et al")("ISMA Br. #4 AAA's) enter(s) eternity, 2.) Christ returns and avenges all, as of that juncture, unavenged, injustices, or 3.) a.) the control of the money supply of the nominal u.s. of A. would have been returned either actually or constructively, to the Article I, Section 8, Clause 5 source in which it was originally established, b.) the entirety of the unjust enrichment-emanating windfall monetary and/or resource appropriation procured via the enactment, maintenance and/or application of the provisions (“enactment…provisions”) of the patently unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act of 1913 would have been recovered from any and all net temporary economic beneficiaries of such enactment…provisions still alive at this juncture in history (“still…history”) by the identifiable and demonstrable net victims whereof still…history, and c.) the administration of what would have been demonstrated via legitimate adjudication to constitute the evidently just recompense for the enactment….provisions whereof would have been administered to the perpetrators of such defraudment still alive at whatever juncture in history it would be at which such administration would have been completed. _Judge Matthew Kennelly, ___________________, --The moral basis for the contents of this document and the claim that no position and/or arrangement incompatible wherewith could possibly possess any moral legitimacy is posted here: “jn21-15protctr.tripod.com/ismadecunconmorba7616.html”.

-while the Court considers issuing the plenary version of such declaration regarding the matters Case # 11 CH 12339 in the CCCC, IL, concerns and the plenary version whereof in general regarding all matters without exception



__________________________, ________________

Doc. #5 from D/L ...Young SS RJM 101117 - Notice of Motion of 101117

(Nominal) United States District Court

for the Northern District of IL

Young et al

v Case # 06 cv 552

Cook County, et al

Notice of Motion of 101117

On 102518 or the next court date whereafter, RJM may or may not appear in the Courtroom of Judge M. Kennelly in the USDC for the ND of IL at 219 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, IL, 60604, at 9:30 a.m., or may participate in any proceedings ever conducted regarding this matter via telephone or other electronic media, but has filed and endeavored to schedule the adjudication of the motion this document concerns on such date.

This document will have been emailed to: pam_geringer@ilnd.uscourts.gov, stripsearch <stripsearch@loevy.com>, mike@loevy.com, cookcountyss <info@cookcountystripsearch.com>, "statesattorney@cookcountyil.gov" <statesattorney@cookcountyil.gov>, and whatever email address RJM can find for American Insurance Group as soon as he can procure an operating wireless internet connection.Should RJM become cognizant that RJM's endeavors to notify any and all of those whom RJM understands himself bound to notify in regard to this matter would not have resulted in the notification of any of such individuals and/or entitities, respectively, a report of any and all non-notifications in re whereto will be provided to the Court by the scheduled 102517 court audience, Providence permitting.

/s/ Robert J. More 101017- Robert J. More, P.O. Box 6926, Chicago, IL, 60680, anselm45@gmail.com, 708 317-8812

Doc. # 4 from D/L of RJM Young S.S. ...101117

Initial Component of 101117, of Motion Pursuant to Rule Whatever in the F.R. of Civ. Proc. for Alteration of Judgment and/or Various Other Measures of Consideration, Filed Within 28 days of 091317, Via Which RJM Moves this Court to Summarily Grant the Relief Referenced in the "Proposed Order of RJM of 101117"

(Nominal) United States District Court

for the Northern District of IL

Young et al

v Case # 06 cv 552

Cook County, et al

Initial Component of 101117, of Motion Pursuant to Rule Whatever in the F.R. of Civ. Proc. for Alteration of Judgment and/or Various Other Measures of Consideration, Filed Within 28 days of 091317, Via Which Robert J. More ("RJM") Moves this Court to Summarily Grant the Relief Referenced in the "Proposed Order of RJM of 101117"

Now comes Young Strip Search Class Member Robert J. More to move this Court to grant the relief referenced in the "Proposed Order of RJM of 101117" without any further explanation provided in re such petition except to incorporate by reference the contents of all documents filed and/or submitted to this Court for filing by RJM regarding the matters this document concerns, herein, as if fully set forth herein.

/s/Robert J. More, Rom. 12:18-21, - May the Souls of the Faithful Departed, thru the Mercy of God, Rest in Peace - and May Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them and May the Author of this Document and All Others Intent Upon Procuring the Deliverance from All Evils Referenced in Mt. 6:13 - that is Permanent Positive Closure Upon the Problem of Conditional Salvation, Join Them as Soon as Possible, Whatever that Possibility Might be, IAGI, According to God's Supreme Authority

Doc. #16 in D/L of RJM Young S.S. ... 101117

Record of Time and Resources Used/Expended in re... and Assessments of Compensation Wherefore From Causors Whereof

101017 - 13:15 to 17:15 - Procuring documents, researching piercing of Executive Order , endeavor to procure contact formula for Chief Judge, preparing documents, itemized in Petition to Exec Committee Submission, "then morphed into Young Strip Search... Fairness hearing project" which time began to run at 17:15 on 101017m now 1835 - continued to organize and compose collection of documents included in motion set for 102517 until 2300, from which 75 minutes was taken to eat and take a nap, now convert to html, post, revise TOC, email, print, proceed to court and deliver

Doc. #2 in D/L of RJM Young S.S. ...101117 Jn21-15protctr.tripod.com/rjmccstriseaexecommot101017.html

Document List in re RJM's endeavor to Get Executive Committee Filing Restrictions Rescinded in Re His address of the court in re Young S.S. fairness hearing of 091317 and In Total – D/L of RJM Executive Committee... Young S.S. ...101017

1. D/L of RJM Executive Committee ...Young S.S. ...101017 X

2. Initial Component of 101017, of Motion for Immediate Recission of the Nominal Executive Committee Order.... X

3. Disclaimers

4. First Superseding Component of .....

5. Record of Time and Resources Used/Expended in re... and Assessments of Compensation Wherefore From Causors Whereof X

101017 - 13:15 to 17:15 - Procuring documents, researching piercing of Executive Order , endeavor to procure contact formula for Chief Judge, preparing documents, then morphed into Young Strip Search... Fairness hearing project

Entries Included Herein Supra, Adjacent to Which there is an "X" were delivered to the USDC for the ND of IL by 101117

Document # 5 from D/L ... RJM ...101017.

Record of Time and Resources Used/Expended in re... and Assessments of Compensation Wherefore From Causors Whereof

101017 - 13:15 to 17:15 - Procuring documents, researching piercing of Executive Order , preparing documents, then morphed into Young Strip Search... Fairness hearing project

Doc. # 2 From D/L ... RJM...101017, which constitutes Doc. # 3 from D/L of ...RJM... 101117 (Nominal) United States District Court

for the Northern District of IL

In re Restrictions Imposed Upon Robert J. More by Exec. Committee of USDC for ND of IL

Case # Unknown

Initial Component of 101017, of Motion for Immediate Recission of the Nominal Executive Committee Order....

Initial Component of 101017, of Motion for 1. Immediate Recission of the Nominal Executive Committee Order in Effect as of 091317 via Which Robert J. More ("RJM's") Filing of Documents in the USDC for the ND of IL was Prevented by Activity Conducted by the Nominal Clerk of the USDC for the ND of IL, Most Recently in re RJM's Endeavors to Address A Fairness Hearing in Case # 06 cv 552, 2. Entrance of this Document into the Clerk's Electronic Docketing System, 3. Provision of the Identification of Every Member of the USDC for the ND of IL Executive Committee at Every Juncture in re Which Any Filing and/or Building Access Restriction has ever been Operative Against RJM, and a Means Via Which to Contact Each and All, Respectively, 4. Every Member of Such Committee to Provide Confirmation that (s)he has Received Notice Via, Inter Alia, the Filing of this Document, that RJM is Claiming that No Refusal to Consider this Document Via the Predication of Reliance Upon Any Order Ever Issued by the CCA 7, Could In RJM's Understanding Ever be Non-criminal in Character, in that No Such Reliance Could Ever Possess the "Objective Reasonableness" for the Predication of Reliance Used in IL. v Krull (_U.S._) Regarding Exercises of Authority by Nominal Government Activity Conductors in any Given Instance ("IAGI") by the SCOTUS in the Ratio Decendi of the Opinion Issued in Support of the Judgment Issued in Such Case, and that Such Position has been "clearly established" as such Threshold has been Explicated in Harlow v Fitzgerald (_U.S._) and its Progency, and that such Position Applies to the Activity of nominal Federal Government Actors via, inter alia, Bivens v Nine Agents...(_U.S._), and that Given that the Applicability of 18 USC 242 is Co-extensive, Except that it is a Criminal Instrument with the Applicability of 42 USC 1983, Which is a Civil Instrument, that the "clearly established" Threshold Promulgated in re 42 USC 1983 Actionable Activity in Harlow... (Which it is RJM's Recollection Regarded nominal Federal Government Activity in the First Place) is the Appropriately Applicable Threshold in re the Application of 18 USC 242 to the Activity of Nominal Federal Government Activity Conductors, and that Howsoever Inadequate is the Argument for the Maintenance of the Presently Uneliminated Cancer of Judicial Civil Immunity, Indisputably Is, that No Such Type Immunity Has Even Been Promulgated for Criminal Activity Ever Perpetrated by (Any) Judge(s), and in Fact the Exposure to Criminal Prosecution Regarding Unacceptable Adjudicative Activity has been Admitted by the SCOTUS in among other cases, Mireless v Waco (_U.S._) and Dennis v Sparks (_U.S.) or some SCOTUS Opinion of similar name, notwithstanding that no such type Promulgations Would Ever Even Be Necessary to Establish the Principle of Adjudicative Criminal Liability, Given the Existence of Magna Charta Cl 61, Given that Such Document is the Enabling Document of the Constitution of the u.s. of A., via the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation, and was Codified in the U.S. Code in 1873, and that principles of Enablement, Constitutional Law and Statutory Construction which Every Adjudicator is Bound to Know Ensure that Such Type Liability is Applicable to Each and Every Judicial Act Ever Executed, Including Any and All Ever Executed at this Very Moment in History, 5. Confirmation That this Adjudicative Tribunal Has Been Informed that the Same Abscence of Any Objectively Reasonable Reliance Interest Argument that Applies in re the CCA 7 Filing Restriction Presently in Place Upon RJM, Applies to the Executive Committee of the USDC for the ND of IL's ("EC") Orders Prohibiting RJM from Filing Documents Without Its Approval, in that, Inter Alia, the Behind Locked Doors Imposition of Restrictions by such EC, with No Provision for any Co-Implementer Whereof to Ever Have to Be Examined Under Penalty of Perjury By Anyone in Order that, Inter Alia, the Priorities According to Which Any Given EO would ever have been Produced would not be Kept from the Purview of Anyone and Everyone Susceptible to the Detriment from any Type of Impositon Whereof, IAGI, 6. Confirmation That this Tribunal has been Informed that RJM Cannot Ascertain How Any Claim Could Ever be Legitimately Posited that The Members of the EC Responsible for Any and All Orders Ever Issued in re any Filing Restriction ever Imposed Upon RJM have not Incurred Felony Liability Via the Applicatoin of 18 USC 242, 241, 1346, 1503, and 1961 et. seq. Regarding the Imposition of Any Such Orders Ever Imposed, IAGI, Which Document is Subject to Rescission, Revision, Supersession, , and/or Other Modification Whereof as RJM Would Ever Understand that He would be Obliged to Implement Any Given Measures for the Purpose of the Accomplishment of any Such Type Objective(s), IAGI, According to the Product(s) of RJM's Ongoing and Continuous 1 Jn. 4:1-6 Synderesic Endeavors Ever Utilized

Now comes RJM on behalf of everything contra the "No Non Neo-Nazi Throat Left Unslit" Agenda of the Edomites who Control the Edomite Consumation of the Enslavement of the Neo-Nazi Component of and Extermination of Non-Neo Nazi, and especially, the Contra-Neo Nazi, Component of, All of Us (the world's population of Non-Edomites) whom the Global Plantation Owners Reference as "the Goyim", but not by any express designation, to move this tribunal to immediately grant the relief referenced in the title to this document.

Robert J. More, Rom. 12:18-21 - and May the Souls of the Faithful Departed Thru the Mercy of God, Rest in Peace. - and May Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them

/s/ Robert J. More 101017

Doc. # 23 from D/L Young SS RJM 101117


Document List in re RJM endeavor to address court in re fairness hearing of 091317 – D/L of RJM – SS 091317

Entries included herein supra adjacent to which there is an “X” were included in the collection of documents emailed to Deputy Clerk P. Geringer, Mr. Kanovitz, the Claims Adminstrator and the Office of the Cook County, IL State’s Attorney on 091317. Entries included herein supra adjacent to which there is a “Y” will have been included in the document posting scheduled to be executed by 092017.

Doc. #5 from D/L of 091317 - Proposed Stipulation of Robert J. More to Judge M. Kennelly of 091317

Proposed Stipulation of Robert J. More to Judge M. Kennelly of 091317

/s/ Judge Matthew Kennelly, …………

Document # 2 from D/L of 091317 – Initial Abbreviated Report in re Robert J. More (”RJM”s) activity in re Young v County of Cook, IL on 091317

Doc. # 3 from D/L of 091317 - Outline which RJM had in his possession in Open Court in re Case # 06 Cv 552

See picture s of this document:


-Burgess v Lowery – Non-commonality of claims – Howard Stern, St. Francis Xaiver Cabrini

Impeachment for possible collusion,

Culpability of Sheriff Dart & unfitness for office

Divestment of any and all recoveries

Priorities according to which class counsel has conducted activity

Doc. # 4 from D/L of 091317 - Proposed Stipulated Order of 091317

Proposed Stipulated Order of 091317 – picture of this handwritten document also produced.

RJM spoke to Assistant Cook County State’s Attorney Katanya as he was leaving and informed him that RJM would send him copies of documents ever submitted for filing in re case # 06 cv 552

Document # 8 of D/L of …091317


Initial Component of “Negative Endorsement/Superior Service Testimonial” of 091317 for USDC for ND of IL Courtroom Deputy Pamela Geringer Scheduled to Be Superseded as Circumstances would Permit

Robert J. More, (“RJM”) Associate Administrative Assistant for the Institute of St. Michael the Archangel, herein, via the authority vested in him does provide this Initial Component of “Negative Endorsement/Superior Service Testimonial” of 091317 for USDC for ND of IL Courtroom Deputy Pamela Geringer regarding her processing of the claims of RJM and anyone and everyone entitled to consideration of whatever type from RJM in regard to the matters this document concerns and in general, in the Case # 06 Cv 552 on or about 090817-091317.

Nothing in Clerk Geringer’s (“CPG”) record of activity in regard to the matters referenced herein supra has been found to be in any way defective. On behalf of everything Non and Contra Neo-Nazi, which would encompass everything which His Omnipotence Christus Rex can evidently tolerate at this juncture, RJM herein demands that a copy of this document be placed into CPG’s personnel file. Any and all disclaimers applicable to this document will be included along with any superseding component ever submitted in re whereto.

Comment: It is lamentable that RJM has so rarely encountered any clerks conducting activity at the level of proficiency in task completion-specific burden-bearing, and overall coverage of evident moral liability as this Clerk has accomplished in re the matters this document concerns.

If RJM were to receive the Clerical Supervisor of this Clerk’s contact information, he would email a copy of this document to such Official.

/s/ Robert J. More 091317

Document # 9 of D/L …091317


Initial Component of “Negative Endorsement/Superior Service Testimonial” of 091317 for USDC for ND of IL U.S.M.S. Deputy Marshal or Akal Court Security Officer Escort of Robert J. More

Robert J. More, (“RJM”) Associate Administrative Assistant for the Institute of St. Michael the Archangel, herein, via the authority vested in him does provide this Initial Component of “Negative Endorsement/Superior Service Testimonial” of 091317 for USDC for ND of IL U.S.M.S. Deputy Marshal or Akal Court Security Officer Escort of Robert J. More for the demonstration of “non-unreasonableness” and evident adequate accommodation of any and all legitimate reliance interests in any way at stake and/or otherwise in issue in re RJM’s participation in the hearing conducted in Case # 06 Cv 552 on 091317.

Nothing in this Escort’s record of activity in regard to the matters referenced herein supra has been found to be in any way defective. On behalf of everything Non and Contra Neo-Nazi, which would encompass everything which His Omnipotence Christus Rex can evidently tolerate at this juncture, RJM herein demands that a copy of this document be placed into such escort’s personnel file. Any and all disclaimers applicable to this document will be included along with any superseding component ever submitted in re whereto.

/s/ Robert J. More 091317

Document #9 in D/L of 091317

Record of time and resources consumed in re this matter:

Start 9:00 – discontinued search for stolen computer and other items and proceeded to USDC for N.D. of IL Courthouse

9:30 wait in Court while composing documents

Case Called, see report for this date, to 15:00 – composing documents while also endeavoring to produce formula via which to recover stolen computer and other items