Document List for First Superseding Component of 8/22/16 of F. Regalado Monticello St. Property Crimes, Torts and Contract Breaches Counteroffensive - D/L F Reg Counteroffensive of 82116
1. D/L F Reg Counteroffensive 82116 - FSC of 82216
2. Petition for Indictment of CCCC, IL Judge M. Otto - Fed
3. Petition for Indictment of CCCC, IL Judge M. Otto - State
4. Petition for Indictment of Wells Fargo Bank/Codilis Law Firm Malefactors
5. JIB Complaint -Otto
6. ARDC Complaints - Codilis, Grill
7. Better Business Bureau/License Revocation - Wells Fargo Bank, Codilis Law Firm
8. Disclaimers
9. Report to Posterity in re F Reg.... Classified
10. Report to Posterity in re F Reg.... Unclassified
11. Government Criminality and Violence Bulletin in re F Regalado Foreclosure
12. Criminal Petition in re Falsification of Affidavit of Process Service
13. Civil Complaint in re F Regalado v Wells Fargo Bank, et all
14. List of Acronyms Used in Documents Referenced Herein
15. URL List for Documents Referenced in Documents Included in this List and Videos Relevant to Dispute
16. Proposed Stipulations from F Regalado to Wells Fargo, Codilis Law firm, .... of 8/21/16 X
17. Proposed Release and Satisfaction of 8/21/16 from F Regalado to Wells .... X
18. Proposed Stipulation from F. Regalado to Judge M. Otto
19. Catholic Authority(ies) Applicable and Applied to F Regalado et all v Wells Free Fargo et al
20. Verified Statement of F. Regalado Regarding Non-reception of any Legal Documents Concerning Any Mortgage Foreclosure X
21. Partial List of Grievances of F. Regalado and others as basis for Documents this Document Concerns
22. Record of Time Consumed and Expenses Incurred in re Project This List Concerns
23. Online Docket for Wells Fargo ... V F. Regalado
24. Preemption/Mitigation of Damages Abbreviated Report of 8/21/16
25. Proposed Order of 8/22/16 Authorizing Robert J. More to Access Case File in Case
26. Disclaimer of Any Participation in Any Petition Filed by Ms. Sonya Davis Implying that F. Regalado was Subject to any Legal Disability Attributable to Illness in the Period in which His Mortgage Payments were Left Unpaid X
27. Invitation to WFHMC, Codilis Law Firm and Any and All Agents Whereof, Respectively, Involved in the Attempted Mortgage Foreclosure Concerning Frank Regalado's Property at 4927 N. Monticello St., Chicago, IL, to Demonstrate the Non-incurrment of any Criminal and/or Tort Liability in Regard to the Entrance of Any Default Judgment Which would have been Entered Against Regalado and such Property on 8/22/16 Should Any Such Type Judgement End up Having been So Entered X
28. Errata for D/L of 8/21/16 Document Transmission
Entries adjacent to which there is an "X" herein supra were posted in the website whose domain name is included in the ULC of this document and/or delivered to the Deputy Clerk responsible for Courtroom 2804 of the R. Daley Center on 8/22/16 before 9:30 a.m. and delivered to Codilis Law Firm and Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Co. to the extent such tasks were accomplishable.
D/L Entry # 28 from D/L of 8/22/16
Errata for D/L of 8/21/16 Document Transmission
Contrary to the claim present in the Documents Produced and Posted on 8/22/16, No document # 24. “Preemption/Mitigation of Damages Abbreviated Report of 8/21/16” was included in the documents produced and posted on 8/22/16 in re the matters this document concerns.
Document # 17 from Document List of 8/21/16
Proposed Release and Satisfaction from F Regalado to Wells Fargo Home Mortgage and Codilis Law Firm
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Co. ("WFHM") and Codilis Law Firm and Frank Regalado do herein agree that the Mortgage Contract Arrangement ("MCA") presently operative between Frank Regalado ("FR") and WFHM will be brought into an acceptable condition if Regalado now pays WFHM for all of the arrearages consisting of mortgage payments left unpaid from the date of the first default in regard to such MCA until this date and any and all penalties applied thru May of 2016 (since Regalado has repeatedly endeavored to pay all past payments and penalties incurred thru the May of 2016 Statement, since some date in May of 2016) and all payments for the subsequent months to this date, and WFMHC pays Regalado the sum of $1000 for all of the costs incurred, time consumed and/or labor expended which Regalado has had to incur, consume and expend, respectively, which but for the non-compliance with operative laws and/or terms and conditions of the Mortgage Contract to which this document relates, and/or proverbial fundamental notions of good faith and fair dealing, so self-evident as to require no citation to authority in support whereof, attributable to WFHM and its Agents and/or Codilis Law Firm and its Agents, would never have had to have been incurred, consumed and/or expended by Regalado and any and all individuals assisting him in various ways in regard to the mortgage resolution issue, respectively, without there having to be any funds expended from any public treasury other than what may have already been expended without Regalado's participation wherein in any given instance for the purpose of the bringing of the matters this document concerns to a resolution which all parties concerned can evidently justify accepting.
_________________________________________, ____________________
Doc. # 19 from D/L of 8/21/16
16. Proposed Stipulations from F. Regalado to Wells Fargo, Codilis Law firm, of 8/21/16 X
Frank Regalado ("FR") herein proposes that Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Co. ("WFHM") and Codilis Law Firm ("CLF") stipulate to the following claims:
1 The content of the mortgage bill/statement of May 2016, was constructed and presented in such that a way that a person in FR's position as non-author of the contract it concerned would be led to believe and to predicate rational reliance upon an understanding that he could entirely amortize arrearages and get current on the debt owed by paying the amount listed as the total due by 6/1/16.
2. Mr. Bill McCallister -Attorney for Codilis ("WM") , does not consider adversaries in litigation to be entitled to any consideration from him.
3. WM does not consider himself bound by any fundamental notions of good faith and fair dealing.
4. WM refused to provide RJM an email address so that RJM could email him the collection of documents of which this document constitutes a component part on 8/19/16 in order that such be presented to the Court in the foreclosure case filed which this document concerns, including Regalado's Verified Statement that he has never received service of process, nor encountered anyone identifying him or her self as a process server in regard to such case.
5. Wells Fargo has received numerous demands for the identification of the notice and notice period referenced in paragraph # 22 or 23 of the mortgage this document concerns ("mortgage") and has to this date not provided any identification nor any other such type information in re whereto.
6. Regalado could not proceed to resolve the mortgage without such identification(s).
7. Regalado still does not know what constitutes either such notice nor such notice period, nor its commencement referenced in paragraph 22 or 23 of the mortgage operative for his property at 4927 N. Monticello St., Chicago, IL.
8. Regalado has never received whatever constitutes the entirety of the documents the Plaintiff in a foreclosure case was obliged to delivered to a mortgagor as a necessary legal component of process service in re the case this document concerns ("this case").
9. On 8/19/16 William McAllister refused to provide Robert J. More any email after he was notified that F. Regalado is claiming that no legal documents have been delivered to him in re the 4927 N.Monticello foreclosure.
10. The legal consequences of a falsified “affidavit of service of process” - consist of, inter alia, civil damages and criminal punishment for all responsible wherefore in any given instance ("IAGI")
11. F. Regalado is in the process of getting video recordings of innumerable discussions conducted in regard to this case posted on the internet at present and will provide URL’s in re whereto when he completes such project.
12. Wells Fargo and Codilis Law Firm are guilty of manufacturing structured defraudments in regard to their operating practices which have been manufactured in order to facilitate the extraction of the maximum quantum of resources from customers that the market will presently evidently bear.
13. F. Regalado has adequately covered his burden to this date of pre-empting and/or mitigating damages in order to retain claim to recover upon the basis of costs unjustifiably incurred, malicious prosecution of a civil case, malicious abuse of process, CFDPA, Federal and/or State RICO claims.
14. The evidently least difficult alternative for F. Regalado to adopt at this juncture might be the assignment of the residence to someone who will physically defend it against enforcement of any demonstrably illegitimate claims.
15. There are elements of appointment of process service in re this case which are not compatible with what the author of this document understands to constitute requirements of laws applicable whereto but which may in fact not be incompatible wherewith, but in regard to which Codilis did not permit the positing of questions in re whereto at any juncture thru the 8/19/16 conversation conducted by representatives of F. Regalado with CLF Attorney W. McCallister
16. But for the duty breaches and/or violations of criminal laws attributable to WFHMC, CLF and/or Judge Michael Otto, FR would have succeeded in getting his mortgage problems adequately resolved some time ago.
17. No attorneys fees and/or court and/or service of process fees have been reasonable in re this case.
18. WFHMC, CLF and this Court have been informed that the Court can call R.J. More as a Court's witness on 8/22/16 at 708 495-1027.
19. WFHMC, CLF and this Court are all burdened and obliged to enable FR to discharge the evidentiary burden of proving either actual or constructive knowledge of the content of the complaints relating to breaches, torts, and/or crimes which he has alleged and/or is alleging and/or in the future would ever, allege against any of such persons and/or entities in re this mortgage case dispute without in any way causing the exacerbation of the difficulty present in the accomplishment of such objective.
20. Judge Michael Otto's record of activity does not permit the legitimate predication of reliance upon a presumption that FR could ever procure a legitimate adjudication in any proceeding over which he would preside.
21. Litigants are burdened with getting the issue of the deprivation of the use of ERD's in the CCCC, IL and a plethora of issues of a federal constitutional dimension pressed and passed upon in any trial court proceedings conducted in any case in which he or she, or they, would ever be involved (Webb v Webb (_U.S._)), in order to adequately preserve such for review to the SCOTUS and all other participants are burdened to posit no obstructions to a litigant's adequate bearing of such burden.
22. Should FR ever be adequately served in regard to the case this document concerns, FR would have to adequately cover his burden of adequate theatre securement in order to ensure the prevention of the type of adjudicative hydroplaning in re which Judge M. Otto has been accused in the past before he would be capable of participating in any adjudication of the merits of any case, even if he were ever brought under the jurisdiction of a court in any given instance.
23. All citizens are subject to a burden to protect the public treasur(y)(ies) from unnecessary expenditures.
24. There are a multitude of other issues FR is concerned to get adequately resolved in re the controversy this document concerns which have not yet been presented in this document.
____________________________________, ________________________
Document #20 from D/L of 8/21/16
Verified Statement of Frank Regalado of 8/22/16 Regarding Non-reception of Any Legal Documents Concerning any Legal Case Ever Allegedly Filed and/or Pending in Regard to his Mortgage Arrangement with Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Co. ("WFHMC")
Pursuant to the provisions of 28 USC 1746 and/or 735 ILCS 5/1-109, I, Frank Regalado do herein aver under penalty of perjury, that I am over 18 years of age, do reside in Chicago, IL, and if called to testify in any legal proceeding in regard to the matters this document concerns, that i could competently testify whereto; that I have never, to the best of my recollection, either received any legal documents concerning any legal case ever allegedly filed and/or pending in regard to my mortgage arrangement with Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Co. ("WFHMC") nor ever encountered any human person claiming to be endeavoring to legally serve documents concerning any pending court case upon me at any juncture in the year of 2016 and that my "e signature" included herein binds me to this claim.
/s/ Frank Regalado , 8/22/16
Document #26 from D/L of 8/21/16
Disclaimer of 8/22/16 Any Participation in Any Petition Filed by Ms. Sonya Davis Implying that F. Regalado was Subject to any Legal Disability Attributable to Illness in the Period in which His Mortgage Payments were Left Unpaid
I, Frank Regalado, do herein disclaim any Participation in Any Petition Filed by Ms. Sonya Davis Implying that I, Frank Regalado, was Subject to any Legal Disability Attributable to Illness in the Period in which My Mortgage Payments were Left Unpaid Over the Past Year
/s/ Frank Regalado, 8/22/16
Document #27 from D/L of 8/21//16
Invitation to Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Co. ("WFHMC"), Codilis Law Firm and Any and All Agents Whereof, Respectively, Involved in the Attempted Mortgage Foreclosure Concerning Frank Regalado's Property at 4927 N. Monticello St., Chicago, IL, and to CCCC, IL Judge Michael Otto to Demonstrate the Non-incurrment of any Criminal and/or Tort Liability in Regard to the Entrance of Any Default Judgment Which would have been Entered Against Regalado and such Property on 8/22/16 Should Any Such Type Judgement End up Having been So Entered X
Invitation is herein extended to: WFHMC, Codilis Law Firm and Any and All Agents Whereof, Respectively, Involved in the Attempted Mortgage Foreclosure Concerning Frank Regalado's Property at 4927 N. Monticello St., Chicago, IL, and to CCCC, IL Judge Michael Otto to demonstrate the Non-incurrment of any Criminal and/or Tort Liability in Regard to the Entrance of Any Default Judgment Which would have been Entered Against Regalado and such Property on 8/22/16, Should Any Such Type Judgement End up Having been So Entered, which invitation has been extended for among other purposes, ensuring that no person(s) would ever be subjected to any criminal nor civil prosecution in either any nominal government entity, nor in any ISMA Common Law Tribunal which prosecution, in any given instance, would not have been morally necessitated via the operation of among other moral principles, that of Qui nocentibus parcit, innocentibus punit ("He who spares the guility, punishes the innocent") except in any arrangement in which the gravity of the consequences of a given malefaction and/or dereliction of duty would evidently have been too substantial for the non-prosecution whereof to evidently be morally justifiable, given the burdens incurred by the public treasury-supporting component of the population and those involved in any given adjudication, in any tribunal, whether that of a nominal government or common law arrangement, not to mention those burdens which any attempted enforcement of any given edict from either of the types of sources referenced herein, emanating, would ever, in any conjectural scenario, impose and entail.