ISMA model instrument
- includes
I. mechanical (physics and chemistry, resource availability and procurement, burden of maintenance of operating capacity/implicit requirements of 5th Commandment by which all humans are non-volitionally encumbered, supply and demand, barter and exchange, economics not related to priorities of a distinctively moral character)
II. protective entities:
1. Luke 9:26/Canon 1325.1 of RCCCL of 1917 Burden to Profess Faith at least via disclaimers - protects record of activity of ISMA member from incurrment of culpability for sins of a.) implicit denial of adherence to Defacto Catholic Religion, b.) generic scandal, c.) scandal of the weak
2. Contra-Jewish Supremacism ...Security and Investigatory Protocols -protects operations from unjustified provison of information to nominal govt entities and contra-Romans. 13:14 AC's and from leaving in place arrangement resulting in information ending up in possession of NGE's and/or other adversaries at a lower than unavoidable threshold (ie. "there is no expectation of privacy in the public way that society is ready to recognize as being reasonable" U.S. v Katz (_U.S._) or similar case
3. Predation Perpetration - Deterrent/Repellant/Containment/Extinguishment
4. Audit, Adjudication and Claim Resolution Arrangement for protection of side other than ISMA Member of any given contract and/or adversaries from nescience, ignorance, infirmity and/or capacity to sin of any ISMA member ever involved in any given project and/or operation
5. Escape Hatch for the demonstrably other than, other than, other than reptilian or venomous reptilian activity conductors who would ever in any given arrangement and/or instance, end up incurring criminal liability from the problems endemic to any such type activity conductors ending up in the custody of any Jewish Supremacist controlled custodial and/or incarceration entity
6. Proximately final determination of the evident actual moral character of any given component of activity ever conducted by any given ISMA member relative to the issue of whether the entirety of the burden(s) present in any given venture would have been adequately born, anchored in a Heb. 10:31, Qui Nocentibus Parcit, Innocentibus Punit prioritization predicated upon the presumption that with activity conductors conducting activity from less than an ISMA CCSCL #11, then 7, then 5 and then 4 profile(s), that having erred towards the protection of legitimate reliance interests from the risk of excessive leniency will have been and be less difficult to justify than having erred toward excessive severity in re whereto.
7. other
at a level "second to none yet encountered by producer of this document in terms of moral probity" - including adequate accommodation of reliance interests ever in issue and remission of adequate consideration in re such
Subject to supersession on ... not revisable prior to such date except in arrangement in which consequences of non-supersession whereof to Catholic Cause would evidently be too substantial for non-supersession whereof to be postponed; promulgated in consideration of burden to accomodate adequately any and all rational predications of reliance whereupon which would involve demonstrated evident eternal opportunity cost in the sense that opportunit(y)(ies) would have been foregone in reliance whereupon