Document List for Second Superseding Component of 022718 of Griffith Adjudication Crimes Submission to Federal Grand Jury or the Closest Similitude Whereof of 021618 - D/L Grifmart crim ss022718
1. D/L Grifmart crim ss022718 X
2. Second Superseding Component of 022718 of Notice and Demand to FGJ Foreperson for USDC for ND of IL, Chief Judge of USDC for ND of IL, U.S. Attorney for ND of IL, USMS for ND of IL of 021618 X
5. Distribution List
6. Author Contact
7. Record of Time and Resources Consumed in Completion
of Project this Entry Concerns
8. Errata to D/L Grifmart crim
9. Component of 022718 of Proposed True Bill of 022018 and 021618 in re Grifmart Crime X
10. First Superseding Component of 022018 of Notice and Demand to FGJ Foreperson for USDC for ND of IL, Chief Judge of USDC for ND of IL, U.S. Attorney for ND of IL, USMS for ND of IL of 021618
11. Reverse Martial Law Formula
12. Complaints Against ISMA and/or its Member Priorities, Policies, Practices and/or Activity
Record of Time and Resources Consumed/Expended in Completion of
phase of project this collection of documents concerns w or w/o
attribution of financial
responsibility wherefore
14. Report in re Grifmart crim and grif of 022718
15. Notice to those not receiving the entirety of the documents delivered to the FGJ or similitude whereof on 022718
16. Document List for Initial Component of 021618 of Submission to Federal Grand Jury or the Closest Similitude Whereof of 021618 - D/L Grifmart crim 021618 -
17. Perpetrator magnitude of evident damage inflicted upon Catholic Cause ranking
18. Perpetrator magnitude of evident present menace ranking
19. Grifcrim Docket
20. Operation Federal Grand Jury Independence Recovery
21. Demand for Posting of Notice of and Link to Complaints Regarding Priorities, Arrangements and/or Record of Activity of Nominal Government Entity in Website of Respective Entity
22. Petitioner's Priority of Protecting the Prospects for Procurement of Eventual Deliverance from All Evils of those Encountering the Consequences of his Record of Activity from Net Detriment Whereto Ranking (RJM's St, Philip Neri Ranking)
23. Top Twenty Records of Activity of the Component of such ROA, IAGI, Amenable to Assessment, in Regard to Which Those Finding it Necessary to Consider this Collection of Documents would be Cognizant in Terms of the Demonstration of the Priority of Protecting the Prospects for the Procurement of Eventual Deliverance from All Evils of those Encountering the Consequences of his or her Record of Activity from Net Detriment Whereto Ranking (St, Philip Neri Top Twenty Ranking)
24. Top Ten AC's which the Catholic Cause Can Evidently Least Afford to Lose
25. Top Ten AC's whicih the Noncounterfeit Version of the Rule of Law Can Evidently Least Afford to Lose
26. Top Ten Nominal Government Officials which the Catholic Cause Can Evidently Least Afford to Lose
27. Top Ten AC's which the Lucifer's Agenda Can Evidently Least Afford to Lose
25. Top Ten Nominal Government Officials which Lucifer's Agenda Can Evidently Can Least Afford to Lose
27. Rules for Rankings Included Herein
28. MVROA for ...
29. Motion in Case # 11 CH 12339 of 070313
30. Notices to 18 usc 242 deprivers in re Preservation of Evidence etc. - oct 2017
31. Petition to Appear Before Federal Grand Jury Empanelled in Chicago, IL, Pursuant to the Provisions of 18 USC 1504 and the Constitutionally Protected Right to Present Evidence to the FGJ via the Presentment Clause of Amendment # 5 to the Constitution of the now nominal u.s. of A.
34. Commentary Upon the Four New Counts of 022718 in re the Previously Submitted Proposed True Bill
Doc. # 30 from D/L Grifmart crim ss022718
Doc. # 7 from D/L Grifmart crim ss022718
Contact Information of Petitioner for 18 USC 1504 and Presentment Clause of the Constitution of the u.s. of A. Opportunity to Appear Before the FGJ Empanelled in Chicago, IL
Robert J. More, anselm45@gmail.com, 708 317-8812, P.O. Box 6926, Chicago, IL, 60680
Document #'s 2 and 31. of D/L of Grifmart crim 022718
Second Superseding Component of 022718 of Notice and Demand to FGJ Foreperson for USDC for ND of IL, Chief Judge of USDC for ND of IL, U.S. Attorney for ND of IL, USMS for ND of IL of 022718 and Petition to Appear Before Federal Grand Jury Empanelled in Chicago, IL, Pursuant to the Provisions of 18 USC 1504 and the Constitutionally Protected Right to Present Evidence to the FGJ via the Presentment Clause of Amendment # 5 to the Constitution of the now nominal u.s. of A.
Dear Federal Grand Jury Foreperson ("FGJ"), et al,
The entirety of the communications transmitted to those whose identifiers have been included herein supra transmitted in the past regarding endeavors to provide evidence of the commission of federal crimes in the ND of IL to any Federal Grand Jury empanelled wherein and/or to any Federal Grand Jury empanelled anywhere else (as Clerk Mary Ellen Barrett of the USDC for Mass. informed RJM some time ago that indictments for federal crimes can be issued in jurisdictions other than that in which any given crime in re which an indictment would have been sought would have been committed) and to procure indictments in re whereto are incorporated by reference herein as if fully set forth herein, according to a formula which would result in no prejudice to any legitimate reliance interest from the non-verbatim inclusion herein. RJM can be contacted to provide explanations, references to authorities, evidence beyond that included herein and whatever else would be necessary to vindicate the legtimate reliance interests this document concerns. Superseding components of this docoment will only be delivered if the delivery of this one does not result in the issuance of indictments regarding the matters concerned, except to the extent that an abundance of evidence and demands for the institution of a plethora of counts beyond what will have been delivered on 022718 remains to be provided to the FGJ regarding the matters this document concerns. This document and many other documents related to the reliance interest of the members of the general population and posterity in the adequate punishment of federal crimes can be accessed at the URL included in the ULC of this document and the other site referenced at the page such URL regulates.
Unless the access RJM was provided to the FGJ on 022018 was some type of anomally, a nihil obstat (that is a "negative endorsement" in the sense that "nothing evidently stands in the way of the provision of provisional approval of a given component of activity, to be converted into a full endorsement contingent upon the future elimination of any and every aspect of nominal federal government priorities, policies, practices and/or activity that is and/or would be, incompatible with the requirements of the natural moral law referenced in Rom. 2:15) is herein issued in regard to whatever activity resulted in such consideration having been provided on such date to either the U.S. Atty, the Chief Judge or the USMS, all for the ND of IL, respectively, two of the three, or all three, and/or whomever else might have been responsible for the phenomena referenced herein.
The massive project this document concerns is only going to be completed via an "in seriam" formula, and in subordination to Robert J. More's ("RJM") "religious conviction - emanating priorities understanding of the entirety of his moral liability" which requires, RJM's prioritization upon, besides the immediate elimination of any provision for brain-destroying coerced psychotropic drugging of a.) anyone, b.) innocent persons, c. FEMA red and blue listers, in order of importance of the protection of reasoning capacities, respectively, RJM's continuing to contribute to the implosion of Lucifer's continued assault upon the Office of the Presidency of the nominal u.s. of A., without the control of which the Talmudic-barbaric Global Enslavement Consummation and Population Reduction to 486 million Non-Jews and zero Jews unwilling to participate in the genocide via democide in progress, project, is all but a lost cause, at least until the nominal u.s. of A. could be replaced as the Flagship Colony of the N.W.O. by some other colony amongst the enormous number of such colonies from which the Committee of 300 possesses the capacity to replace it, whereof, but for today, Robert J. More ("RJM") herein provides evidence for and the postulation of three more "low hanging fruit" counts, 'low hanging" in that an adequate understanding of the definition of the crime need not require extensive research into various areas and aspects of constitutional law, and that the procurement of convictions in re whereto could get the Leroy Martin and Sean Conway, bundles of malice, depravity and iniquity out of positions in which either could continue to perpetrate malefactions upon individual victims and the social order via any color of law and/or use of any nominal government issued license.
Howsoever true it is that the crimes concerned are, except for that concerning the order issued requiring the Clerk of the CCCC, IL to reject filings by Robert J. More, which was eliminated via the Clerks' petitioning for the elimination whereof, still "in progress" in that the deprivations concerned continue to remain in place despite RJM's ongoing endeavors to eliminate the deprivations concerned, it certainly cannot be the case that there is no standing to criminally prosecute the activity which has produced such deprivations and perpetuated them from the juncture at which any of the deprivations concerned, respectively, first came into existence, for according to such type reasoning, inter alia, there would be an incentive to maintain any given deprivation ever in effect in order to ensure protection from the criminal prosecution whereof.
For the record, the deprivation concerning the Count concerning the Clerk's activity was eliminated on 070113 and the others continue in existence to this juncture. RJM respectfully demands opportunity to appear before the FGJ and/or any Special Grand Jury regarding the matters concerned without any delay pursuant to the authority of the Presentment Clause of Amendment #5 to the Constitution of the u.s. of A. and the provisions of 18USC 1504.
/s/Robert J. More
Document # 9. from D/L Grifmart crim 021718
Component of 022718 of Proposed True Bill of 022018 and 021618 in re Grifmart Crime X
States District Court for the Northern District of IL - Doc.
United States of America
Leroy Martin, Sean Conway, Gary Griffin, Lisa Madigan
At all times material to the Indictment:
1. Each of the Defendants referenced in the caption of this document was employed by the State of IL,
2. At such juncture,
a.) Leroy Martin was conducting activity ("WCA") as a Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL ("CCCC").
b.) Sean Conway was conducting activity ("WCA") as an Assistant IL, Attorney General,
c.) Gary Griffin was conducting activity ("WCA") as an Assistant IL, Attorney General, whom, upon information and believe, Robert J. More understands to have been Conway's supervisor regarding the period of time this document concerns,
d.) Lisa Madigan was conducting activity ("WCA") as the Attorney General of the State of IL,
- all within the scope and meaning of 18 USC 241 and 242.
3. The State of IL is a state government entity, and the County of Cook County, IL is a political subdivision of the State of IL within the scope and meaning of 18 USC 242 and 241.
4. The entirety of the contents of the Proposed True Bill of 022018 which may or may not have mistakenly been titled "...021618...." in the version presented by Robert J. More ("RJM") on 022018 to the FGJ in Chicago, IL are posted here: "jn21-15protctr.tripod.com/grifdlmartmadalvetalcrim021618fs0220.html".
4. The entirety of such contents are incorporated by reference herein as if fully set forth herein.
5. The "Proposed True Bill of 022018" is herein after referenced as "PTB0220")
IV. Barest minimum of factual predicates concerning: a.) the claim that RJM never filed a motion to vacate the dismissal of the Official Court Reporters from Case # 11 CH 12339, b.) the claim that the Judges named as Defendants in such case were voluntarily dismissed wherefrom and that no motion was ever filed seeking to have them returned into/kept in such case, the positing of both of which claims resulted in dismissals of the complaint then pending in 11 CH 12339 regarding such defendants, respectively, c.) the issuance of a restriction in the Order issued by Leroy Martin on 031113, authored by Sean Conway, upon the activity of the Clerk of the CCCC, IL, requiring her and/or her subordinates to refuse to file any documents presented to (her) (them) for filing from Robert J. More ("RJM"), d.) the edict included in Martin's Order of 031213 imposing two monetary sanctions upon RJM, necessary to sustain the claims concerned until all Defendants answer complaint and/or otherwise enter a plea, subject to supersession in order to add more counts regarding the plethora of federal crimes perpetrated regarding the matters concerned:
1. Again, the entirety of the factual averments included in the "Proposed True Bill" posted here: "jn21-15protctr.tripod.com/grifdlmartmadalvetalcrim021618fs0220.html" are incorporated by reference herein as if fully set forth herein, some of which are included herein verbatim and material included herein but not included therein has been included inside brackets "[]" adjacent to the material from the PTB2020.
2. Entry # 5 from the PTB0220. In October of 2011, as RJM recalls the date, Martin procured and/or extorted the dismissal of the judges included as D's in this case w/ prejudice, and as RJM recalls, court reporters, w/o prejudice, which constituted a de facto retraction of the challenges to judicial immunity the complaint contained, which challenge to such cancer was one of the most important components of this case, via informing Attorney, A. Galic, who was then representing RJM that Galic would be subject to sanctions if the judges so named were not dismissed and the judicial immunity challenges not retracted (which dismissal was sprung in an audience in which RJM had both laryngitus and lacked any paper while standing before the bench next to Galic), never explaining how any given arrangement ever present in the development of the law in any given area could ever be modified, extended or reversed, according to the language of the rule promulgated for IL Courts in regard to the modification, extension or reversal of any given arrangment of law(s), if the advocate for such type development, respectively, in any given instance would have to incur sanctions in order to effect any such type development, other than in a scenario in which one sufficiently wealthy such that the prospect of the incurrment of a sanction in any given instance would not leave in place a disincentive to the seeking of any such type development of the law sufficient to deter the petitioning wherefore, in violation of the provisions of 18 USC 242.
6. Martin never explained how the Defendant in the trial court case from which Bradley v Fis(c)her emanated could have petitioned for the institution of judicial immunity when it did not exist in the u.s. of A. before such case was decided, if such petitioning for modification... would have subjected him to sanctions for doing so.
7. Martin never provided any ruling on RJM's motion of Nov. of 2011 for 2/2/12, for the reinstitution of the judges and court reporters dismissed on or about 10/5/15 in this case in violation of the provisions of 18 USC 242.
13. Martin issued an order in 2013 if RJM's memory serves him right as to the exact juncture of the issuance of the order imposing sanctions upon RJM in which he levied a fine upon RJM w/o any justification whatsoever and in regard to which RJM could not and cannot see any motivation other than to attempt to intimidate RJM out of RJM's continuing to fight to eliminate the innumerable cancers, evils and sources of hazard and harm to legitimate reliance interests which plague the Courts and other government entities conducting activity in the CCCC, IL, and to otherwise defeat RJM's pursuit of justice in regard to the matters this case concerns, in violation of the provisions of 18 USC 242.
14. Martin issued an order in 2013 if RJM's memory serves him right as to the exact juncture of the issuance of the order imposing sanctions upon RJM in which was included an edict prohibiting the Clerk of the CCCC, IL from accepting documents from RJM after previously claiming that he lacked the authority to order such Clerk to execute any affirmative act/control the activity of the Clerk in regard to RJM's petitioning the Court regarding the use of the scanner referenced herein supra, in violation of the provisions of 18 USC 242. [Such order was issued on 031213]
28. On page 3 of the Order [of 110912], the Court claims that "More filed his amended complaint without filing a motion to vacate ...the Dismissal Order (in re the Judicial and Court Reporter Defendants) which claim constituted the basis for the Court's granting dismissal against the Court Reporters, when in fact it is the case that RJM filed a motion on 10/28/11 set for 2/2/12 to "Reconsider Order of 10/5/11 *, ...reinstate all D's dismissed in this case....". * In the proceeding in which the Court extorted the dismissal of the Judges and Court Reporters via the notification of his intent to sanction Galic,were Galic to not dismiss such individuals, respectively, RJM was incapable of speaking attributable to laryngitis and lacked any paper while standing adjacent to Attorney Galic at the bench with which to compose any note of objection to Galic's capitulation to Martin's extortionistic ploy.
34. The Court's characterization of RJM's purpose in filing various motions as can be ascertained in any substantial consideration whereof to have constituted in actuality an ongoing endeavor of RJM to superimpose adequate structure into the adjudication to compensate for the structural defect (what Solzenhitsyn referenced as the "tilt towards evil") by which the CCCC, IL is plagued so that the adjudication of this case would not constitute simply another miscarriage of justice of the type which ordinarily results in the cases adjudicated in the Courts of Cook County, IL with which RJM has been familiar, at this juncture as being to "harass... stave off..." is indicative of the criminal character of the intent of the Court in endeavoring to keep its obvious intent to defraud the public of the intangible right to the honest services of the exercise of the authority of a judicial office in its adjudication of this case suppressed and concealed.
47. Document under revision with next version(s) to be provided pursuant to time table included herein supra, to the extent such objective can be accomplished.
[48. For the record, the components of IL Supreme Court Rule 137 (the Rule Martin used as a pretext to impose sanctions upon RJM on 031213) applicable to the issue of the issuance of sanctions upon litigants and/or activity conducted whereby in any given instance are:
"Rule 137. Signing of Pleadings, Motions and Other Documents—Sanctions
(a) "...pleading, motion or other document; ... is well grounded in fact and is warranted by existing law or a good-faith argument for the extension, modification, or reversal of existing law, and that it is not interposed for any improper purpose, ..."
(d) Required Written Explanation of Imposition of Sanctions. Where a sanction is imposed under this rule, the judge shall set forth with specificity the reasons and basis of any sanction so imposed either in the judgment order itself or in a separate written order.
Under penalty of perjury pursuant to the provisions of 28 USC 1746, I, Robert J. More do aver to the substantial accuracy of the factual averments included herein as previously recorded on 11/9/15 and in regard to material included herein, not recorded upon such date, do likewise aver.
/s/Robert J. More 022718
Counts #1 to #4 from PTB0220 not included herein
Count #5 of Indictment - Denial of the Right to Petition the Government for the Redress of Grievances, Denial of Procedural Due Process of Law, and Substantive Due Process of Law - Clerk Filing Acceptance Restrictions
1. The contents of the EFP included herein supra, are incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein.
2. On or about 031113, in Cook County, IL in the State of IL, within the jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the Northern District of IL ("USDCNDI"), the defendant Leroy Martin, then a Judge Exercising Judical Authority in the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL issued a ruling in an order evidently authored by defendant Sean Conway in Case # 11 CH 12339, requiring the Clerk of the CCCC, IL to refuse to accept any documents submitted for filing in 11 CH 12339 by Robert J. More and did, in so doing, effect the deprivation of Robert J. More's ("RJM"), and the members of the general public's right, amongst other rights, secured and protected by the Constitution and laws of the United States to not be deprived of "the Right to Petition the Government for a Redress of Grievances, known as the Right of Access to the Courts," Chambers v Baltimore and Ohio RR (_U.S._), et al, as incorporated thru the incorporation provisions of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States to the activity of individuals ever conducting activity on behalf of any state and/or political subdivision of any state, and to Fourteenth Amendment Procedural Due Process of Law, and Substantive Due Process of Law, in that Martin did not possess any authority to authorize the Court Clerk to refuse to accept document filings from Robert J. More, while conducting activity under the color of law.
In violation of 18 U.S.C. 242 and 2.
Count #6 of Indictment - Denial of the Right to Petition the Government for the Redress of Grievances, Denial of Procedural Due Process of Law, and Substantive Due Process of Law- Monetary Sanctions
1. The contents of the EFP included herein supra, are incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein.
2. On or about 031213, in Cook County, IL in the State of IL, within the jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the Northern District of IL ("USDCNDI"), the defendant Leroy Martin, then a Judge Exercising Judical Authority in the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL issued a ruling in an order issued by him imposing two $500 sanctions upon Robert J. More according to a formula which was not the formula promulgated in the State of IL for the imposition of sanctions upon litigants in that he utilized a formula condemning the motions in issue here, restricted to the words "not based in fact and warranted by existing law" (referring to the motions here in issue) while the actual wording of Supreme Court Rule 137 states as follows: "Rule 137. Signing of Pleadings, Motions and Other Documents—Sanctions
(a) "...pleading, motion or other document; ... is well grounded in fact and is warranted by existing law or a good-faith argument for the extension, modification, or reversal of existing law, and that it is not interposed for any improper purpose, ..." and further, did not provide even a single example of any claim in either of the motions sanctioned demonstrating that there was anything wherein, respectively which was not actually "based in fact" and further disregarded the judicial burden of setting forth "with specificity the reasons and basis of any sanction" included in paragraph "(d)" of such rule, as, inter alia, no explanation regarding what could possibly have legitimately been classified as "ridiculous" in RJM's offer to Martin was included wherein and no other material in either of the motions concerned was even referenced at all, and beyond that he did not even identify any claim and/or demand in either of such motions which was actually incompatible with "existing law" when such term includes equitable principles assessed and applied according to natural law standards, and did, in so doing, effect the deprivation of Robert J. More's ("RJM"), and the members of the general public's rights, amongst other rights, secured and protected by the Constitution and laws of the United States to not be deprived of "the Right to Petition the Government for a Redress of Grievances, known as the Right of Access to the Courts," Chambers v Baltimore and Ohio RR (_U.S._), et al, as incorporated thru the incorporation provisions of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States to the activity of individuals ever conducting activity on behalf of any state and/or political subdivision of any state, and to Fourteenth Amendment Procedural Due Process of Law, and "Fourteenth Amendment Substantive Due Process of Law", the latter in the sense that RJM et al was deprived of a measure of consideration provided by State Law -in this case protection from the imposition of any encumbrance upon the exercise of any right provided by State Law except via a process that would possess legitimacy in that no such process ever utlized in regard to any such type deprivation would be incompatible with the provisions of any promulgated law(s) (Vitek v Jones, _U.S._, et al), while conducting activity under the color of law.
In violation of 18 U.S.C. 242 and 2.
Count #7 of Indictment - Denial of the Right to Petition the Government for the Redress of Grievances, Denial of Procedural Due Process of Law, and Substantive Due Process of Law - Court Reporters
1. The contents of the EFP included herein supra, are incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein.
2. On or about 110912, and 031113 , in Cook County, IL in the State of IL, within the jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the Northern District of IL ("USDCNDI"), the defendant Leroy Martin, then a Judge exercising judical authority in the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL issued rulings (dismissing D's on 110912 and denying reconsideration of such dismissal on 031113) predicated upon conveyances presented by defendant Sean Conway in Case # 11 CH 12339, in a Motion to Dismiss filed by him on 083112 which included the patently false claim that Robert J. More ("RJM") had never filed a motion to vacate the dismissal of the Official Court Reporters ("OCR") from the complaint then pending in such case, when in fact such type motion had been filed by RJM within 30 days of the 100511 dismissal of such defendants, and did, in so doing, effect the deprivation of Robert J. More's ("RJM"), and the members of the general public's right, amongst other rights, secured and protected by the Constitution and laws of the United States to not be deprived of "the Right to Petition the Government for a Redress of Grievances, known as the Right of Access to the Courts," Chambers v Baltimore and Ohio RR (_U.S._), et al, as incorporated thru the incorporation provisions of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States to the activity of individuals ever conducting activity on behalf of any state and/or political subdivision of any state, and to Fourteenth Amendment Procedural Due Process of Law, and Substantive Due Process of Law, in that the damages in a civil suit constitute "property" (Logan v Zimmerman Brush Co. (_U.S. _) and neither Conway nor Martin possessed any authority to deprive anyone of any property via misrepresentations regarding the filing of a document in a legal adjudication, in that any such type misrepresentation would effect the deprivation of an adjudication restricted solely to truthful and accurate representations regarding any and all activity ever conducted wherein, which deprivation continued thru 070913 at which juncture Martin evidently either decided not to grant the consideration sought in the motion(s) then appropriatedly having been presented to him by RJM for the purpose of the elimination of the deprivation referenced herein or not to consider such at all, while conducting activity under the color of law
In violation of 18 U.S.C. 242 and 2.
Count #8 of Indictment - Denial of the Right to Petition the Government for the Redress of Grievances, Denial of Procedural Due Process of Law, and Substantive Due Process of Law - Judges
1. The contents of the EFP included herein supra, are incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein.
2. On or about 110912, and 031113 , in Cook County, IL in the State of IL, within the jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the Northern District of IL ("USDCNDI"), the defendant Leroy Martin, then a Judge exercising judical authority in the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL issued rulings (dismissing Judicial D's on 110912 and denying reconsideration of such dismissal on 031113) predicated upon conveyances presented by defendant Sean Conway in Case # 11 CH 12339, in a Motion to Dismiss filed by him on 083112 which included the patently false claim that Robert J. More ("RJM") had never filed a motion to vacate the dismissal of the Judges from the complaint then pending in such case, when in fact such type motion had been filed by RJM within 30 days of the 100511 dismissal of such defendants, and did, in so doing, effect the deprivation of Robert J. More's ("RJM"), and the members of the general public's right, amongst other rights, secured and protected by the Constitution and laws of the United States to not be deprived of "the Right to Petition the Government for a Redress of Grievances, known as the "Right of Access to the Courts," Chambers v Baltimore and Ohio RR (_U.S._), et al, as incorporated thru the incorporation provisions of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States to the activity of individuals ever conducting activity on behalf of any state and/or political subdivision of any state, and to Fourteenth Amendment Procedural Due Process of Law, and Substantive Due Process of Law, in that the damages in a civil suit constitute "property" (Logan v Zimmerman Brush Co. (_U.S. _) and neither Conway nor Martin possessed any authority to deprive anyone of any property via misrepresentations regarding the filing of a document in a legal adjudication, in that any such type misrepresentation would effect the deprivation of a measure of consideration herein defined as an "adjudication restricted solely to truthful and accurate representations regarding any and all activity ever conducted wherein," which deprivation continued thru 070913 at which juncture Martin evidently either decided not to grant the consideration sought in the motion(s) then appropriatedly having been presented to him by RJM for the purpose of the elimination of the deprivation referenced herein or not to consider such at all, while conducting activity under the color of law
In violation of 18 U.S.C. 242 and 2.
Robert J. More herein avers under penalty of perjury to the veracity of any and all factual averments included herein supra and such averments have constituted the basis for the issuance of this true bill. /s/ Robert J. More 022718