List for First Superseding Component of 022018 of Submission to
Federal Grand Jury or the Closest Similitude Whereof of 021618 - D/L
Grifmart crim fs022018
1. D/L Grifmart crim fs022018 X
2. Notice and Demand to FGJ Foreperson for USDC for ND of IL, Chief Judge of USDC for ND of IL, U.S. Attorney for ND of IL, USMS for ND of IL of 021618
Distribution List
Author Contact Information
Record of Time and Resources Consumed in Completion of Project this
Entry Concerns
Errata to D/L Grifmart crim 020618
9. Proposed True Bill of 022018 in re Grifmart Crim X
10. First Superseding Component of 022018 of Notice and Demand to FGJ Foreperson for USDC for ND of IL, Chief Judge of USDC for ND of IL, U.S. Attorney for ND of IL, USMS for ND of IL of 021618 X
11. Reverse Martial Law Formula
12. Complaints Against ISMA Member Priorities and/or Activity
Record of Time and Resources Consumed/Expended in Completion of
phase of project this collection of documents concerns w or w/o
attribution of financial
wherefore X
14. Report in re Grifmart crim and grif
15. Notice to those not receiving the entirety of the documents delivered to the FGJ or similitude whereof on 022018
16. Document List for Initial Component of 021618 of Submission to Federal Grand Jury or the Closest Similitude Whereof of 021618 - D/L Grifmart crim 021618 - jn21-15protctr.tripod.com/grifdlmartmadalvetalcrim021618in.html
List Concerns Entries in the list included herein supra adjacent to
which there is
"X" were transmitted to All of those included in the
produced for this collection of documents on or before 022018
received whenever whereafter.
Doc. #8 from D/L of 022018
Errata to D/L Grifmart crim 021618
1. RJM was prevented by Akal Security Officer Lopez from delivering any documents anywhere in the Dirksen Federal Bldg on 021618 - see Robert More youtube channel 021618
2. Entry "Errata to D/L Grifmart crim 020618" should have stated "...021618"
Doc. # 15 from D/L of 022018
Notice to those not receiving the entirety of the documents delivered to the FGJ or similitude whereof on 022018
Those not receiving the entirety of the documents delivered to the FGJ or similitude whereof on 022018 regarding the matters this document concerns can access such documents at the URL listed in the ULC of this document and/or by contacting Robert J. More with the contact information provided herein .
/s/Robert J. More
<what is included herein below "/s/Robert J. More", including this conveyance was not included in the version of this document delivered to the U.S. Attorney for the ND of IL, the Chief Judge of the USDC for the ND of IL, and the U.S.M.S. before 11:15 a.m. on 022018.
the entire collection of documents delivered to the Federal Grand Jury Foreperson on 022018 is posted at: "jn21-15protctr.tripod.com/grifdlmartmadalvetalcrim021618fs0220.html"