also coded as uploaded on 120318 as: https://jn21-15protctr.tripod.com/esscompthmameadcondl120318dl2.html.
Author Notes: Production and Transmission of Document Titles Actually Filed, Transmitted to Adversaries, Entered into RJM's files, Correlative URL's at which Posted...ad all contents from police bd booklet of 112918
Document List of 120318 in More et al v ess et al - esscompthmameadcondl120318idl
1. Document List of 120318 in More et al v ess et al - esscompthmameadcondl12031i8idl
2. Plaintiff's Verified "Emergency" Motion of 120318 for the Procurement of: 1. A Substitution of Nominal Judge L. Wool for Cause from this Case, 1a. A Continuance of All Matters Addressed in Any and All Motions Filed Previous to the Filing of this Motion and/or that this Document Concerns , 2. Adequate Theatre Securement Provisions, 3. Filing Fee Return or Transmission to A Defacto Catholic Education and/or Anything Necessary and Appropriate Whereto Provision Entity if the Savings Statute Ends Up Having Been Invoked by RJM in this Case, 4. Leave to Amend Complaint to Add Defendants and Increase Ad Damnum, 5. Concession of Participation in the Conducting of an Examination of Nominal Judges Wool and Ryan for Reasons in the Process of Enumeration and Explication, Commitments to Various Postulations, Propositions and/or Demands, 6. Confirmation of Understanding of Various Persons in re Various Matters that this Document Concerns, Sufficient to Procure Criminal Convictions for Any and All Criminal Activity Perpetrated in "Regard to the Matters this Document Concerns" ("Re...Concerns"), 7, Confirmation of Reception of Various Demands and/or Disclaimers by RJM in Re...Concerns , 8. Confirmations from ESS, Various CPD Representatives of Various Types, 9. Conditional Default if ESS is not Intending to Answer the Complaint After Ad Damnum would have been Increased, 10. Replacement of Nominal Judge Wool by Someone Demonstrably Committed to Adequately Bearing the Burden of the Exercise of the Authority of the Adjudicative Office, if There is Anyone Fitting that Description in the CCCC, IL, 11. Confirmation from the Court Regarding Problems Encountered by RJM Regarding Endeavors to Efile this Motion and to Correct the Record in re Whereto, Including any and all Erroneous Entries Presently Appearing in the Online Docket in re Whereto, 13. Confirmation from the Court Regarding Its Having been Informed of RJM's Availability via Telephone and/or Email Communication at the Emergency Hearing Call Time on 120318 and the 14:00 Call on 120718, 14. Confirmation from this Court that It is RJM's Informed Understanding that RJM is Morally Obliged to Prosecute this Case Upon the Pre-eminent Priority Defined as "the Superimposition of Structure Into Each and Every Aspect of the Adjudication of this Case Adequate to a.) Ensure that any and all Participation of RJM in this Adjudication would Results in a Net Replacement of the Presently Defacto Existing Systems this Document Concerns with Entit(y)(ies), Including for a Temporary Period, if Unavoidable, a Hobbsean State of Nature, a "Demonstrably Catholic Other-than-Incompatible System" Rather than Any Reinforcement of the Defacto Existing System Whose Condition is in Issue in This Regard x
3. document list of 072318
4. report of 090218
5. Notice of Motion x
6. Proposed Order x
7. URL at which Supplementations and/or Supersessions of this Document Collection and/or Any Particular Item Constituting a Component Document Whereof Will Have Been Posted by Certain Dates, At Least Seven Days Prior to Any Adjudication Date Established Wherefore, or In Exigent Circumstances, By the Juncture of Any Audience Scheduled in re Whereto X
8. Proposed Amended Complaint of 120318
9. ESS Theft et al Vindication Report of 120318
10. Disclaimers
11. Acronym List for Acronyms Used in this Document
12. Document Titles and URL formulas Key for this Case
13. Electronic Docket for this Case
documents listed herein supra adjacent to which there is an "x" will have been filed and emailed to extra space storage on 120318 or if something should go wrong in this regard, asap from RJM's emergence from any type of adversity ever encountered in this regard. documents listed herein supra adjacent to which there is a "y" will be filed and emailed to extra space storage in any next transmission in re the case this conceyance concerns, if evidently necessary
Document #11 from D/L of 120318 in More et al v ESS et al ....
Acronym List for Acronyms Used in this Document
RJM - Robert J. More
Dcoument # 7 from D/L of 120318 in More et al v ess et al - esscompthmameadcondl120318idl
URL at which Supplementations and/or Supersessions of this Document Collection and/or Any Particular Item Constituting a Component Document Whereof Will Have Been Posted by Certain Dates, At Least Seven Days Prior to Any Adjudication Date Established Wherefore, or In Exigent Circumstances, By the Juncture of Any Audience Scheduled in re Whereto X
The URL referenced in the title to this document is: https://jn21-15protctr.tripod.com/esscompthmameadcondl120318dl2.html.
As of 120318, the URL of any next supersession of whatever document will have been posted on 120318 before 9:00 a.m. will be: https://jn21-15protctr.tripod.com/esscompthmameadcondl120318dl3.html.
The use of a formula for the referencing of URL's at which any given document can be accessed in lieu of filing any given motion seems to have been authorized by the Illinois Supreme Court somewhat recently and RJM predicates reliance in this regard upon whatever postulation by such entity authorized such, if RJM's recollection in this regard is accurate. The effect as RJM subjectively understands it of the use of this formula herein, would be that the actual position of RJM at the juncture of the conducting of any audience in re the matters this document concerns would constitute the contents of such posting in any area in which such contents would constitute a supersession of the contents of this document.
Document # 10 from D/L . Disclaimers
See Website
Document # 2 from D/L -
Plaintiff's Motion of 120318....
Circuit Court of (Nominal) Cook County, IL
More, et al
v 18 M1 010368
Extras Space Storage, et al
Plaintiff's Verified "Emergency" Motion of 120318 at 8:45 a.m. for the Procurement of: 1. A Substitution of Nominal Judge L. Wool for Cause from this Case, 1a. A Continuance of All Matters Addressed in Any and All Motions Filed Previous to the Filing of this Motion and/or that this Document Concerns , 2. Adequate Theatre Securement Provisions, 3. Filing Fee Return or Transmission to A Defacto Catholic Education and/or Anything Necessary and Appropriate Whereto Provision Entity if the Savings Statute Ends Up Having Been Invoked by RJM in this Case, 4. Leave to Amend Complaint to Add Defendants and Increase Ad Damnum, 5. Concession of Participation in the Conducting of an Examination of Nominal Judges Wool and Ryan for Reasons in the Process of Enumeration and Explication, Commitments to Various Postulations, Propositions and/or Demands, 6. Confirmation of Understanding of Various Persons in re Various Matters that this Document Concerns, Sufficient to Procure Criminal Convictions for Any and All Criminal Activity Perpetrated in "Regard to the Matters this Document Concerns" ("Re...Concerns"), 7, Confirmation of Reception of Various Demands and/or Disclaimers by RJM in Re...Concerns , 8. Confirmations from ESS, Various CPD Representatives of Various Types, 9. Conditional Default if ESS is not Intending to Answer the Complaint After Ad Damnum would have been Increased, 10. Replacement of Nominal Judge Wool by Someone Demonstrably Committed to Adequately Bearing the Burden of the Exercise of the Authority of the Adjudicative Office, if There is Anyone Fitting that Description in the CCCC, IL, 11. Confirmation from the Court Regarding Problems Encountered by RJM Regarding Endeavors to Efile this Motion and to Correct the Record in re Whereto, Including any and all Erroneous Entries Presently Appearing in the Online Docket in re Whereto, 13. Confirmation from the Court Regarding Its Having been Informed of RJM's Availability via Telephone and/or Email Communication at the Emergency Hearing Call Time on 120318 and the 14:00 Call on 120718, 14. Confirmation from this Court that It is RJM's Informed Understanding that RJM is Morally Obliged to Prosecute this Case Upon the Pre-eminent Priority Defined as "the Superimposition of Structure Into Each and Every Aspect of the Adjudication of this Case Adequate to a.) Ensure that any and all Participation of RJM in this Adjudication would Results in a Net Replacement of the Presently Defacto Existing Systems this Document Concerns with Entit(y)(ies), Including for a Temporary Period, if Unavoidable, a Hobbsean State of Nature, a "Demonstrably Catholic Other-than-Incompatible System" Rather than Any Reinforcement of the Defacto Existing System Whose Condition is in Issue in This Regard x
Now comes the Plaintiff, RJM to petition this tribunal to grant the relief identified in the title to this motion, with disclaimers to follow, if the matters this case concerns would not have been adequately rectified by the hearing date established for such motion and in support whereof, rjm avers and explains as follows:
1. disclaimers applicable to the matters this document concerns can be accessed at "jn21-15protctr.tripod.com"
2. The prosecution of this case constitutes a component part of a number of ISMA projects posted at the home page of the ISMA website which is: "jn21-15protctr.tripod.com", including State of IL and Cook County, respectively, Charter Revocation Projects.
3. RJM will be available at the time of the emergency hearing period on 120318 to participate via telephone and/or email exchanges in any audience conducted in regard to this document and likewise in re the 14:00 call on 120718.
4. To the extent of RJM's understanding, the online docket for this case erroneously lists Extra Space Storage as having filed a motion on 112718 which was actually filed by RJM.
5. RJM has never received any notice that ESS has filed any appearance in this case, but it did acknowledge reception of service of process in re whereto.
6. RJM is not certain regarding whether RJM is subject to any burden regarding getting proof of such reception of process service into the electronic docket maintained for this case and the official record for this case, but continues to investigate such issue and will comply with any requirements ascertained in re whereto.
7. RJM has consumed at least 8 hours in the prosecution of this case since he filed a motion in it in September of 2018, which has constituted as much time as RJM understood he could justify expending in re whereto, given the magnitude of the problems facing the now nominal u.s. of A. which require RJM's attention and the execution of various affirmative acts pursuant to the promulgation of priorities to which individuals positioned in the position in which RJM has continued to conduct activity in the period concerned as ascertained by RJM via the application of the requirements of the moral law, particularly the Fourth Commandment as such application has been explicated in among other sources of authority, those of Magna Charta Clause 61, which was incorporated into the DOI and Constitution of the u.s. of A. and the cases of Tooley v Q.B., Hogget v Q.B., and Thompson v Utah (_U.S._) among other authoritable sources, as applied to present circumstances via various papal promulgations, most particularly that of Divini Redemptoris in any arrangement in which one's country would be under attack as the nominal u.s. of A. indisputably has continued to be during the period in issue.
8. A complaint has been filed with the Office of the Illinois Attorney General regarding the matters this document concerns, the adequate resolution of which might render the conducting of proceedings against ESS in this case unnecessary., thus leaving the adequate burden of protecting various measures of consideration from the possibility of the incurrment of detriment from the consequences of duplication of endeavors and expenditures incumbent upon RJM
9. RJM is in the process of resolving the City of Chicago P.D.'s tort liability issues this case concerns.
10. To be augmented or superseded as necessary.
(11). Before undertaking the comparatively enormous task of the superimposition of structure into and upon the adjudicative tribunal to which this case ended up having been assigned and all "appurtenances whereto" including all entities and arrangements ever encountered by any complaint filer in the CCCC, IL, from the juncture at which any given complaint would be filed via what is now an efiling system, including access to the physical property of the R.D.C. and including also Cook County, IL, Law Library Accessibility and/or the deprivation whereof to certain citizens who have never been convicted of any crime, including Robert J. More ("RJM") , with the cluster of burdens constituting what RJM understands to constitute the burdens he must adequately bear in order to ensure the adequate coverage of what is subjectively apprehended by RJM to constitute his "macro moral liability", RJM understands that the "evidently demonstrably least difficult to justify alternative" amongst those alternatives between which a choice has to be made by RJM including a default choice which would constitute a choice emanating from the "result of the ending up in existence of a given arrangement emanating from an 'other than accomplishment' of the making of any given choice in any given instance", RJM finds it necessary to demand of the nominal governemnt tribunal to which this document has been addressed, the provision of the forms of consideration enumerated herein in order to at the very least ensure the preservation of such issues for any review, even if legitimate review would not be available in any nominal tribunal at this juncture, in order to adequately preserve any and all such issues for whatever military resolution and rectification might be necessary in re the matters this document concerns, which is all presented via RJM's natural law emanating moral right to adequately cover his moral obligations as subjectively apprehended by RJM at this juncture (citations to authority to be included in superseding versions of this document in re these matters):
1. The complaint RJM filed in this case against Extra Space Storage may not have in fact been delivered to the IL Attorney General until this morning as a component of the rectification project this document concerns in contravention of the claim included in the most recent version of this document filed by RJM.
2. RJM herein raises the issue in this case that the "regularity" referenced in various nominal legal promulgations as constituting the presumption regarding nominal government activity ever conducted in the State of IL, and/or any of its political subdivisions is synonymous with Rothschildarity, which is synonymous with moral illegitimacy which is synomymous with the presently in the process of imposition genocide via democide of 90 to 95% of the world's present population and the consumation of the enslavement of any and all "goyim" not exterminated in such purge.
3. RJM raises the 20 or 23 or whatever the number included in the most recent posting in the ISMA website regarding the matters of adequate structure superimposition into adjudications ever conducted in the State of IL was, requirements for participation by anyone committed to adequately cover his moral liability in participation in any adjudication in the State of IL at this juncture, the compliance with which by all whose activity would ever be related to any given adjudication and/or possibly exercise influence whereupon in any given instance, would be necessary in RJM's understanding in order to ensure the adequate protection of any given meritorious claim against the pervasive problem of adjudicative hydroplaning, which document is posted in the "jn21-15protctr.tripod.com" website and/or is available from RJM this morning via email or telphonic reading into whatever would constitute the "trial court record' in re this case.
4. RJM finds it necessary to demand and herein does demand provisions for the informing any and all nominal law enforcement officers ("NLEO") of the actual moral character of any given arrangement, in any adjudication participants understanding, including the priorities according to which any activity ever conducted by any given adjudicator would ever have been conducted, so that if any given NLEO would ever endeavor to enforce any given nominal legal edict without there having been an objectively reasonable reliance interest (IL v Krull (_U.S._)) present providing a justification for having done so, as much force as would ever be necessary to defeat any such type endeavor could be utilized in any given instance, without any participant in any such type endeavor incurring any culpabilty for any sin of any type (cf. Summa Theologica, Treatise on Law _ part of the _ part "a law incompatible with the natural law is no law at all but a form of violence", Moral Theology in Four Volumes, Fr. Henry Davis S.J. - Anyone unjustifiably incarcerated may endeavor to escape and use as much force as would be necessary in any given instance to accomplish an escape, including the unintentional causing of death to any jailer who would endeavor to restrain the escapee, in any given instance," which postulation obvious applies not just to incarcerees and jailors but to the arrangement presently prevailing in the CCCC, IL.
5. RJM herein demands consideration from this tribunal sufficient to enable RJM to adequately cover his "Webb v Webb (_U.S._) burden of ensuring that any and all issues of a constitutional dimension arising in regard to the adjudication this document concerns would have been "pressed and passed upon" in any trial court proceedings ever conducted in re this case, sufficiently to ensure that no reviewing tribunal ever reviewing this case, in any given instance, could invoke any waiver, forfieture and/or extinction of any given issue of a federal constitutional dimensation attributable to any "other than adequate presentation and addressing whereof in any trial tribunal adjudication ever conducted in re any case ever subject to review".
6. RJM herein demands the provision of an "adequate superimposition of structure" audience in re this case before any matters concering the merits of the causes of action this case concerns would ever be commenced.
7. At present, it is RJM's understanding that RJM's physically appearing in this case in the R.D.C. would not constitute a justified risk, attributable to the arrangements presently operative in the R.D.C., and RJM has not yet succeeded in procuring any life nor permanent disability insurance in re any such type appearance
8. The addressing of any and all issues other than the issues herein addressed which RJM intends to raise in the adjudication of this case are deferred to some future date, in order to cover a scenario in which none of the Defendants already included in this case or who will be added whereto if it is not settled soon enough to render any such addition unnecessary would decline whatever settlement offers, respectively, would be extended whereto, respectively
Nothing else will be stated herein for the sake of conservation of time and resources, but the motion herein concerned will be explicated in detail at the URL referenced herein in the Document # 7 entry, Providence permitting.
Wherefore, RJM herein moves this tribunal to grant the consideration identified in the title to this motion,
This document is herein submitted under penalty of perjury pursuant to the provisions of 735 ILCS 5/1-109 regarding the veracity of any and all factual averments included wherein with whatever would constitute a condignly meritorious disposition regarding the matters concerned,
Robert J. More, Romans 12-18-21
Document # 5 from D/L of 120318 in More et al v ESS et al - esscompthmameadcondl120318idl
Notice of Motion
Circuit Court of (Nominal) Cook County, IL
More et al
v Case # 18 M1 010368
Extra Space Storage et al
Notice of Motion
Notice is herein provided that on 120318, in the emergency motion call or afterwards if necessary, I will endeavor to procure an order confirming that the consideration referenced in the title to this motion will have been procured at whatever would constitute the routine motions call for the Courtroom to which this case will have been assigned in the R. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington St. Chicago, IL, 60620
/s/Robert J. More 120318
Providence permitting, this notice and the documents constituting the collection of documents of which it constitutes a component document will have been served upon any and all defendants who would have filed an appearance in this case by 120318 or in a worst case scenario asap whereafter.
Document # 6 from D/L ... 120318- Proposed Order of 120318
Proposed Order of 120318
Circuit Court of (Nominal) Cook County, IL
More, et al
v 18 M1 010368
Extras Space Storage, et al
This cause having come before this Court on the Motion of Plaintiff Robert J. More of 120318 for the Procurement of a Continuance et al and there having been no opposition posited whereto...IT IS HEREBY ORDERED:
Plaintiff Robert J. More's Motion of 120318 for the Procurement of a Continuance et al is herein summarily granted. All issues are entered and continued until 030119 or the first court date whereafter
/s/Robert J. More 090218 ______________________ _________
anselm45@gmail.com, 708 317-8812 Judge Date