
ISMA Conviction/Capacity/Security Clearance Levels ("CCSCL's")- Also referenced as ISMA Security Clearance Levels ISMA SCL's

- 1 Evidently Consumately Committed to Lucifer's Agenda or Individual's Own Apprehended Benefit at a Measure of Reckless Indifference to the Consequences to Others Prospects for the Deliverance from all Evils of One's Activity

0 - Provides Information Useful for the Purpose of Enabling the ISMA and/or Others to Contest and Defeat Various Evils Even if Not Via Any Minimally Acceptable Priorit(y)(ies)

1 Supports Elimination of Jewish Supremacist Control of the Money Supply of the u.s. of A. and Legitimate Investigations, Prosecution and Punishment Regarding False Flag Terror Acts, Pandemics, Assassinations and/or Other Manufactured Problem/Reaction/Solution Actvit(y)(ies) Even if Not Willing to Openly Admit Such

2 Supports recriminalization of baby murder in some but not all cases

3 Supports recriminalization of baby murder in all cases

4 - Supports recriminalization of baby murder and sodomy in all cases

5. Adheres to all positions included in lower ISMA CCSCL's and adheres to Casti Connubi prohibtion upon artificial contraception

6. Adheres to all positions included in lower ISMA CCSCL's and adheres to Protocols of 1928 Papal Crusade Against Immodesty in Female Dress ("Fatima Modesty Protocols" "FMP")

7. Adheres to all positions included in lower ISMA CCSCL's and adheres to the Plain Language Meaning of the Encyclical Cantate Domino ("PLMECD")

8. Adheres to all positions included in lower ISMA CCSCL's and the Mortalium Annos Prohibition Upon Communio in Sacris

9. Adheres to all positions included in lower ISMA CCSCL's and the Doctrine of the Fewness of the Saved

10. Adheres to all positions included in lower ISMA CCSCL's and the need for a Romans 13:14 modus operandi in order to procure eventual deliverance from all evils

11. Adheres to all positions included in lower ISMA CCSCL's and the need to adequately cover the Luke 9:26, Canon 1325.1 of the 1917 RC CCL burden of Professing the Faith in any and all situations in which by silence or one's way of acting, such silence and/or way of acting would constitute a denial of the faith.

12. Adheres to all positions included in lower ISMA CCSCL's and Divini Redemptoris/Tooley v QB/Magna Charta Cl. 61 Prioritization of Moral Burdens at Least in Theory Which is to Say that the Enforcement of the Protections of the Moral Law Against Nominal and Supra-Nominal Government Criminality and Violence is Prioritized Where the Authorities Included Herein Prioritized It

13. Adheres to all positions included in lower ISMA CCSCL's and for anyone over 40 YOA, has Demonstrated a Commitment to the Enforcement of the Protections of the Moral Law Against Nominal and Supra-Nominal Government Criminality and Violence of at Least 3 Illegal Siezures and/or Unwillingness to Make any Concessions Apprehended to Have Been Unjustified Subject to Illegal Seizure for Refusing to Make Any Such Type Concessions, IAGI, and for those under 40 - has demonstrated the equivalent commitment to exposure to criminality and violence in order to protect moral convictions in the opinion of at least two individuals who fit this profile who would be over 40 YOA.

14. Adheres to all positions and demonstrations of commitments included in lower ISMA CCSCL's and has procured the equivalent of at least two of the following forms of training and/or testing, that of a: Navy Seal BUDS or Any Other Military Special Ops, CIA Field Agent, Combat Lifesaver, UG degree in IT , UG degree in Chemistry, UG degree in Physics, UG degree in Engineering, First Year Law School plus Evidence, Constitutional Law, Property, and Legal Research Curriculum, Jiu jitsu Blue Belt or Can Bench Press 400 lbs or more, respectively.

15. Adheres to all positions and demonstrations of commitments included in lower ISMA CCSCL's and has procured the equivalent of at least four of the forms of training and testing, referenced in the prior entry , respectively, and the opinion of at least one cleric over the age of 60 that whomever's profile would be subject to assessment, would be adequately prepared to receive ordination in the opinion of any such opining cleric.

16 and Above - . Classified - Definitional Information concerned certainly not available to anyone not at least a CCSCL #12 or higher CCSCL profile prior to any juncture prior to 20 years after the conjectural successful divestment of the unjust-enrichment emanating windfalls, office/license-removal, punishment, et al of the Rothschilds et al would have been accomplished

Last Supersession - 040918, Next Scheduled Supersession if Any 040919 (Supersession may be implemented Prior to Such Date if the Evident Need to ensure Adequate Coverage of Moral Liability would Require Such Supersession IAGI)

ISMA acknowledges a burden of accommodating any and all reliance ever predicated upon the contents of this document prior to any promulgation of any successor whereto and the burden of providing a conversion table or equivalent for the purpose of conversion from this document to any supersedor/successor whereof, IAGI.

ISMA acknowledges the phenomena that in some cases a conviction listed higher in the profile list might be possessed absent the possession of one lower in the list, which is why the inclusiveness component and contingency provision has been used herein, which leaves in place an arrangement in which case the profile ever in issue would be calibrated to adherence to the lower profile.

Superseding Component under construction - addressing T. Schiavo/T. Yeakey