Some Methods of Dispute Resolution Alternative to the Arrangement Presently Utilized Wherefore in the Contra u.s. of A. for Nominal Criminal and Non-criminal Matters
1. Auto-Determination of the Moral Character of Any Given Grievance, Contra-predatory Vigilantism and whatever would Result Wherefrom
2. Trial by Ordeal -Nominal Government Entity ("NGE")
3. Trial by Battle - NGE
3. Trial by Coin Flip - NGE
4. Trial by Weighted Coin Flip - NGE
5. Co-Citizen Determination of the Moral Character of any Given Grievance Possees -eg. Boston Tea Party, Hanging of Mary Phagan's Murderer, Battle for Athens TN
6. Replication of the Methods used in the France of King St. Louis IX -Which of Course would Require the Presence of Someone of His Stature as the Sovereign
7. The Present Arrangement as is with All of the Protections Originally Installed into the Contract the Constitution constitutes Reinstalled whereinto (see "proposed ground rules for litigation", First 20 problems...., Roman Catholic Dispute Resolution Chart, etc. in ISMA websites) and other protections necessitated by technological development, demographic developments and the now Present, unprecedented in history of the Occident and world, Measure of moral decay by Which this Contra-Society is Afflicted
8. The Present Arrangement as is - Which is in the understanding of the author of this document both the worst of the available alternatives by far and unconscionable
Disclaimer - produced upon a word processing app not possessing any capitalization function, produced in inchoate form to plug a hole until a more thorough production can be completed
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